Annihilator - Never, Neverland

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This album features new vocalist Coburn Pharr (ex-Omen), who replaced Randy Rampage. His vocal style shows some promise, but unfortunately, he doesn’t always deliver. Occasionally Coburn sings in an aggressive, fierce manner, which is how he should. Sometimes he sounds a lot like Steve Grimmett (ex. Grim Reaper & Onslaught), which isn’t really so bad, it’s just kind of annoying, knowing what he can do. Musically, Annihilator has always been interesting and often down right intense. The lyrics are especially stupid in one song, “Kraf Dinner,” but other than that, they are mostly acceptable. Some of the songs are very aggressive and heavy, while others are simply strange, like the title track (the weakest one on the album). I think that this LP would have been better suited as a five song EP, including the following songs: “Road to Ruin,” “Imperiled Eyes,” “Phantasmagoria,” “Reduced to Ash,” and “I Am in Command.” As far as second releases go, Never, Neverland is not bad, but it could have been a Hell of a lot better.

{It has always pissed me off when bands change their style to fit with what’s popular at the moment. I’ve been told Annihilator did exactly that, and currently sport a NWOHSCPM [New Wave of Homosexual So-Called Power Metal, which would eventually become known as Nu-Metal. -Editor] sound. But I wouldn’t know myself, since after this album I more or less gave up on them anyway.}

[Notes in {curly brackets} are from the Metal Curse 1 - 4 Collected Edition (1999)]

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