Ancient - The Halls of Eternity

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Black Metal album with an Ambient intro! I’ve never heard of such a thing! You know, if you’re going to do something, at least do it right. Put some fuckin’ wind on there, make it sound evil! This intro sounds like the kind of “evil” to be found in a Disney movie. However, immediately following the inane intro, we have some standard, but not bad, mostly fast, new wave Black Metal, with a kind of Death Metal heavy production. It’s not exactly awe inspiring, but it does have its moments. It also has moments of sheer stupidity, such as most of the song “I, Madman.” And as usual, there’s a new female singer this time: Deadly Kristin. Whether or not she can sing is beside the point. What we all really want to know is how much does she charge for a blow job?

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