Aftermath - Eyes of Tomorrow

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

I’ve been waiting to hear this album for years, and I’m very glad to say that it was worth the wait. Okay, once in a great while Charlie succumbs to the temptation to distort his vocals a bit, and I don’t like it. But other than that, this is an amazing recording. These guys are maybe the most “true” band on earth. They follow no trend and have stuck with their unique brand of technical, memorable, and very energetic Thrash since day one. That is something I applaud every bit as much as the music on this disc. And I don’t want anyone to think that Aftermath have a dated sound. They don’t. Their sound is based on an older style, of course, but they have always had a unique identity, full of experimentation as much as anything else. I just hope it doesn’t take them 3 years to get their next album out.

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