Absu - Abzu

Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It’s astonishing how much we take this unholy Texan horde for granted. From their early days as a primitive Death Metal band to the mystical, occultist, Thrash-infused Black Metal we’ve come to know and worship, they are a quality staple whose legacy will forever be cemented in Hell’s hall of fame. What with their dizzying song structures, King Diamond wails, and lyrics of pure insanity. “Ninnihignizzu pazuzu tetragramaton chumbawamba kajagoogo!” Sixteen years later and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the meaning of “And Shineth Unto the Cold Cometh” from the legendary Third Storm of Cynthia LP. And to think, from the same soil that brought us mandatory incest, the death penalty for jaywalking, and W. We will miss them when they’re gone for sure, and hopefully that won’t be for many aeons as their recent output is among the finest of their two decade career. They are apparently running out of names for their releases, however. 2009’s Absu was a nearly flawless roller coaster of an album, now we have… Abzu? Just one letter changed? Unless it’s a reference to the popular Nigerian stomach exercise, I think it’s a weak title. It’s the only weak thing you’ll find here, though. Absu release the kind of timeless records that you just have to put your trust in. Put it in the stereo and just let it take effect. Great for the car, and needless to say great for killing pedestrians with your car. It may take some time, but the oddball shit they throw at you eventually becomes catchier than the HIV on one of Nikki Sixx’s syringes. Proscriptor’s Black Metal vocals are some of the best in the league and his drumming ain’t too shabby either. No particular song tends to stand out as of press time, save for maybe leadoff track “Earth Ripper,” with its bestial Black/Thrash feel and aforementioned King D shriekage. But rest assured, in a month’s time I’ll even be able to recite 14-minute epic, “A Song for Ea,” backwards. That’s just how Absu roll.

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