Abigor - In Memory

Posted on Monday, March 08, 2010

This MCD is seriously a release meant for the Black Metal packrat only. This is essentially a compilation of tracks that appear elsewhere. Granted, some of these tracks are “unreleased,” but if you cut through the bullshit, this is pure rehash. A couple rehearsal or demo tracks do not make this something to run out and buy by any stretch of the imagination. I’m a big fan of Abigor, but after listening to this, I’m tempted to say that this is a cash-in scam. You get two cover songs - both of which are available on tribute albums (one Kreator song and one Slayer song) - and three Abigor originals. These originals are nothing to write home about because they are demo or rehearsal versions of songs that appear on other releases. My major gripe is that there is nothing really “new” or “exclusive” to this EP. If there were a couple new songs that would appear nowhere else on this, I would definitely say go out and grab In Memory right now. As it stands, packrats and total and complete Abigor junkies are the only people that are really going to want this.

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