Bloody & The Country Trash Punks - Bloody & The Country Trash Punks

Posted on Saturday, September 11, 2010

When Bloody Mess decided to record a Country song, “Hung Over and Stoned,” I though it was an interesting idea, and that he did an excellent job of it. Of course, it seemed to still have a little Punk injected deep up its ass. These songs are 100% old-style Country, and nothing else. Bloody and his Country Trash Punks do a good job, and the sound is excellent, but it was torture for me to sit through it.

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Bloody Mary - Five Years of Blood Bruises and Balls…

Posted on Saturday, September 11, 2010

Long time readers of Metal Curse will know how much I like this band. Their “Blood Core” held the Thrash flag of hate high when everyone was jumping on the Death bandwagon, or selling out and dying off. This CD compiles their Blood Core and Bitch Needs Psychotherapy demos, along with some extra studio work, and parts of a radio appearance. Inspirational work from a band that never gave a fuck what anyone thought, and did things their way. I can only hope that this is not the end of Bloody Mary.

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Blood Coven - Dark Harmonies

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

Massively heavy “no bullshit” Death Metal. Don’t expect too much experimentation, variation or mutation. This is Death in the early Scream Bloody Gore style, and done nearly as well. Dark Harmonies is for those of us who remember back to the beginning, and haven’t “grown tired” of real Death Metal.

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Blazemth - For Centuries Left Behind

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

Beyond the atmospheric, spoken intro, which is sort of ominous, there is only the Blackest Metal. The guitar sound is that of steel being cut with a thousand little diamond blades. Of course, the vocals are of the screeched kind, but every now and then the spoken tone comes back for a second, before being banished. And then, they add some keyboards in for extra sickness. Hopefully they’ll have a full-length album out soon.

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Black Sabbath - Forbidden

Posted on Thursday, September 09, 2010

Oh man, do I hate typing this review. I am having a hard time with this, because I worship early Sab, and this album hurts me. A lot of the problem here are the fuckin’ horrible vocals of Tony “The Cat” Martin. He utterly ruins every riff with his whining, and rhymes “fire” and “desire” in about the first minute of the first track, “Illusion of Power.” That song also features Ice-T on guest vocals, which is a very welcome relief from the terror of The Cat, but cannot save it. And this is by far the best track. Some of the riffs that the former master has come up with are heavy, but without Geezer to back them up, they suffer immensely, and then there are the completely stupid, Whitesnake riffs. The Martin-penned lyrics are perhaps inspired by the works of Winger, or maybe White Lion. I could go on for several pages about this thing which should not be referred to as a Black Sabbath album, but I must spare all of us that pain. One final bit of advice to the members of this band: Call it a day already, and let the once mighty Black Sabbath rest in peace.

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Black Market Flowers - Thicket

Posted on Thursday, September 09, 2010

Here’s how I think this band formed: They watched MTV for 3 days straight, with no sleep or food. They went to the mall to discuss the experience, and get some health-food snacks, when a marketing director for Boy’s Life Records found them crying because their cappuccino had gotten too cold, or warm, or what the fuck ever it is not supposed to be. They were told that they had the right “look” and asked if they could play any instruments. They said no, but that they had just watched MTV for 3 days and thus knew exactly what is hip this week. They were signed instantly, given about $40,000 to record this banal mess, and the result is sheer audio torture - in the bad way. If bands like this can get signed, then the only answer is that this world must be destroyed and a new one shall rise up to take its place, wherein only deserving bands get deals. As some cool guys once said, “I await the day.”

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Big Hair - The Pickle Farm

Posted on Wednesday, September 08, 2010

On the inside of the CD booklet, it is stated: “The lyrics on this album are dumb, therefore they are not printed. If you can actually figure them out, rest assured, you’re dumb too.” I was going to try to figure out exactly how stupid the lyrics are, but the music was such that I fell asleep. Don’t bother.

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Beyond Dawn - Pity Love

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

How to describe BD except as groundbreaking, emotional, heavy music? That’s tough. They in some ways combine Goth & Black Metal, but far more so than most current Black Metal bands who claim this. Maybe if you took recent My Dying Bride and had some tormented vocals mixed in with the clean. But that’s not all. Then you’d need a little Dead Can Dance, and a little (very little) Industrial (or at least the cold, dead, unfeeling horror of it). All this and more would be needed to approximate the despondent, suicidal songs on this masterwork.

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Beyond - Reassemble

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

This is certainly different than what these guys were doing when known as Demented Ted. It’s still heavy, but now more mechanical, almost Industrial at times. This new sound doesn’t always work quite right, but a lot of the time this is great. Like anything else, they’ll just need a little time to fully iron out all the bugs.

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