Desaster - Hellfire’s Dominion

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Old style Thrash riffs and vocals, with speedy drums, and a clear, powerful production. These blasphemers could almost be the new, Black Metal Destruction. The memorable songs burn into your mind and stay there. Desaster have really come up with excellent material this time, and it’s going to be nearly impossible for the competition to match, much less top. The song structure can be a little predictable sometimes, but who said that’s even a flaw?

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Deranged - High on Blood

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Heavier and more brutal than ever, Deranged has returned. From first second to last, this is a masterpiece of intense Death Metal, and not to be missed. Excellent outtro sample, too.

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Le’rue Delashay - The Court Composer

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

He has arrived! The savior of modern music. Not!! This guy thinks highly of himself and his talents. His fifth release to date, but you would think it’s his first. The orchestrations tend to be overworked and muddled. The patches he uses on his keyboard are not very flattering either. They sound canned, act canned, and therefore must be canned. Billed as “evocative atmosphere more suiting to a horror soundtrack.” All this stuff did was make me think the Undertaker (WWF) was coming to my house. Wannabe Gothic Classical music with a whole lot of wannabe and no music.

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Deicide - When Satan Lives

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

The noxious assault that is Deicide continues to ferment with each studio album. And obviously their live shows are an opportunity to prove again and again that they certainly are for real, and then some. Unfortunately for myself, I’ve yet to experience the live Deicide ritual (I’ll commit suicide right after this review), so this is the closest I get for now. To hear them play, “Once Upon the Cross,” made me want to ram my skull onto an anvil, like usual, and “Dead by Dawn” just killed live! Recorded at the House of Blues in Chicago, the sound is great. A royal of hash with friends and the stereo on eleven and you’re hearing and seeing the show live. But if you’ve already seen them live you technically don’t need this album. But when Satan does live to fill his ranks for the oncoming war, he’ll kill all the losers who didn’t pick this one up. Hail Satan!

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Dehydrated - Ideas

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Brutal and somewhat melodic Death Metal.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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Defleshed - Death… the High Cost of Living

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

My first question about this release is “Is Defleshed really ready to release a live album/EP?” These guys have two albums and an EP or two to their credit, but to release a live recording at this stage seems kind of strange. And it’s short too. Sure, there are 7 songs on this, but the whole set is a hair over 20 minutes long! For $15 I want at least a half-hour or it just isn’t worth it. In defense of the recording, the sound on this is good and sounds an awful lot like a digital bootleg (recorded by someone in the crowd using a Minidisc or portable DAT recorder). On a soundboard recording, you can hear almost zero crowd noise but there is plenty of it on this CD. It doesn’t detract from the band’s performance but you can tell this isn’t a “live in the studio” thing. Defleshed has a lot of energy live and though they sound a bit one-dimensional at times, they have a high ass-kickage factor. This release is limited to 1500 copies so if you’re the biggest Defleshed fan in the neighborhood, you’d better get this quick. On the other hand, I don’t see this one being a top priority as you can probably find something else in that price range that is better.

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Deeds of Flesh - Inbreeding the Anthropophagi

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Brutal and well played Death Metal.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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December Wolves - Completely Dehumanized

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

This speedfest just doesn’t do very much for me. It arrived after the “official” deadline for this issue, so I didn’t have much time to spin it before this review. It’s high-energy to be sure, but two seconds after it’s over and I’ve already forgotten it.

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Death Penalty - Conviction

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

After reading the press release, I learned something: These guys think they’re a Hardcore band. I didn’t know that when I reviewed their Bitter CD last issue, but it does make a difference, I suppose. They’re still way too interested in “groove” for me, and the vox are what might be known as “trailer park tough guy,” but at least they’re not trying to pass this off as Death Metal. And it is an improvement over their last CD, so if that trend continues, I might even like the next one.

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