Earth Crisis - Breed the Killers

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2010

Having moved on from Victory Records, Earth Crisis have more or less remained the same, sound-wise. Which is to say, intense Hardcore. But I don’t remember the vocals being exactly like this. I think they’re mildly overdriven most of the time, but it usually isn’t bad enough to really detract. And it is a little hard for me to like an album that has a member of Machine Head making a guest appearance… But all things considered, this could be their best release so far. Keep in mind that I did not receive a lyric sheet, which was probably very smart on the part of Roadrunner.

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Earth Crisis - The Oath That Keeps Me Free (Live)

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2010

It’s not too often that you hear new songs on a live album, but Earth Crisis provides us with three previously unheard songs, including a pretty interesting cover of “Sunshine of Your Love.” All the old songs come across heavier live, and their Hardcore has never lacked in that department anyway.

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Dunkelgrafen - Im Schatten der Ewigkeit

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

Their straightforward Black Metal is hardly original, but it is energetic and pretty memorable. Very intense and dark.

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Drowned (Germany) - Ærth

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

For the most part, this Dark Metal is very cool, even possessing a somewhat more raw and aggressive sound that I had thought it would. But occasionally the vocals slip into a “Death Rock” mode that is just too smooth, too lacking in energy, and that brings things down a bit. However, other than that, this 7-inch is hard to beat, from the excellent sound, to the packaging, to the blue vinyl on which it’s stamped.

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Drowned (Brazil) - Where Dark and Light Divide…

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

Holy Hell, these guys are fucking awesome! There are only three songs here, but there’s enough intensity for 30. Their brand of Deathrash is technical, but heavy and super memorable at the same time. I’m reminded of Ghostorm’s flawless Frozen in Fire album, in some places. Drowned are really that good. And while the production and sound are very good, especially for a demo, they’re not as amazing as the music, and so just barely keep this from perfection. With a label to pay for their studio time, Drowned could easily release an all time classic album. I’ll be keeping my ears open for anything new from these maniacs.

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Dreamsfear - Prelude to Destiny

Posted on Sunday, December 05, 2010

This may not really be a demo, since it says it’s on Ill-Omen Records, but there’s no address for Ill-Omen anywhere, and the band’s address is all over the place, so I’m sticking it here with the demos [which were in a separate section from album reviews in the print issues -Editor]. Anyway, this is well played, heavy Thrash, with a really thick, bassy production.

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Drastic - Thieves of Kisses

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

Weird, avant-garde symphonic “Black Metal.” But without much Metal. This is mostly drum machine and keyboards, with some guitars and pretty female vocals. When they’re not trying so hard to be “original,” this isn’t bad, though. [This band would later change its name to Drastique. -Editor]

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Drained - Suspension of Disbelief

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

Something about the name of this band told me to expect Hardcore, and I wasn’t let down. Drained play a solid, in-your-face style of Metallic Hardcore in the vein of Sick of It All. While I do enjoy this, I can’t help but feel that it’s kind of lacking in originality. Still, if you’re one into no-frills mosh riffs and angry vocals, this band is worth checking out.

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Dominus Xul - The Primigeni Xul (I Condemned My Enemies)

Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010

This band hails from Chile and plays Satanic Doom/Death Metal in the old Florida style. The thing that stood out the most about this band was the fact that they sound exactly like about three or four dozen demo tapes that I got from various now non-existent bands back in the early ‘90s. Remember when every Death Metal band wanted to sound just like Morbid Angel, Deicide, Death and Obituary? Remember how they all “sort of” sounded like one of those bands but never matched up with the talent or the production qualities that these bands had? Dominus Xul brings all that nostalgia back. This reeks of old Florida Death Metal and has production so muddy that if it were Black Metal, I’d call it “Grim.” The music is completely generic by-the-numbers Death Metal and I know that there are people who just love this shit to death. If you’re one of them, I’m sure you’re dredging your local record store as I write this. I’ll give Dominus Xul credit for staying “old-school,” but rehashing the early ‘90s isn’t going to do anybody any good unless you take the influence and go somewhere with it.

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