Desultory - Swallow the Snake

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2010

Until the pitifully stupid distorted vocals kicked in, I thought this was the same band that released the amazing Into Eternity, and its excellent follow-up, Bitterness. I then checked the CD booklet to see what was going on and why the hell Metal Blade would sign two bands with the same name. To my absolute fucking horror, I discovered that somehow this is the same band. How they mutated from a first-class Death Metal act into this “Hard Alternative” is really beyond me. I didn’t even realize that this was also recorded at Sunlight! Maybe if you think that Tool is ultra brutal Underground Extreme Metal, you might be able to tolerate this, as it’s really not (musically) pathetic for what it is. But what it is to me is a complete disappointment.

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Despair’s Tiny Things - First Exutory

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2010

This Doom band (with actual violin - no keyboards) would be great if I could hear what they’re doing. Usually I don’t complain about a demo’s sound quality, but this time it really detracts from what might be excellent material. I can hear some great ideas through the murk, but it’s difficult to accurately say much else. It might be the case that if you buy the demo you’ll get a better copy than I have, as mine appears to be a 10th generation dub, and is, for some unknown reason, all sticky and grimy.

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Desaster - A Touch of Medieval Darkness

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010

After a darkly ambient intro, this progresses into Black Thrash, usually with very standard drumming, which is the weak point of the album. Of course the vocals are agonized, but convincing. I was very glad to hear the good production and riffs (early Celtic Frost, as might be expected). Desaster have a great ability to write memorable songs, and I think that with a more individual sound, these guys would really be great.

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Demilich - Nespithe

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long-time readers will recall that I reviewed the (inferior) American release of this album back in issue #8. I didn’t like the gurgly vocals then and I still don’t. The music, however, is well played, and certainly brutal, so, if necessary, ignore the vocals. This version has vastly improved layout, and 4 bonus tracks from the band’s 1991 demo.

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Demence - Total Demembrement

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sick Death Metal is what this band is about, and they do it very well. But the most unique thing about this professional looking and sounding disc is that the lyrics are in French.

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Deeds of Flesh - Trading Pieces

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Clocking in at only 17 seconds over the half-hour mark (including over 3 minutes of intro and outro), this is a rather short effort, but certainly to the point. Although fairly basic speedy Death Metal with traditionally gory lyrics, the playing is tight and the production pretty good. Trading Pieces offers nothing new, but (other than the rather annoying music-less gurgled outro) at least it’s well done and probably worthy of a listen.

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Decoryah - Fall-Dark Waters

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

This is less Ambient than their debut, Wisdom Floats, but even with the heavy guitar and drums, is just as graceful and majestic. I’m very pleased to hear that they are trying some different things, and even more pleased that these things are working so well for them.

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Decayed Catacomb - Gates of Doom

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Three studio and 4 live cuts. Not bad for an EP. The sound quality isn’t great, but it’s not too bad. As for the music, Decayed Catacomb play somewhat Thrash influenced Death Metal, with maybe a touch of Doom. It is darkly atmospheric, but manages to keep moving at the same time. Not an awesome release, but interesting nonetheless.

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Deathwitch - Triumphant Devastation

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Although very simple, the style of Black Metal employed by Deathwitch is at least energetic, and there are two chicks in the band, so I guess that’s a plus.

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