Forgotten Silence - Thots

Posted on Monday, April 04, 2011

I don’t exactly have the whole story on this, but it appears to be the soundtrack to a film. At any rate, what you really care about is what it sounds like, so here it is: Progressive Death/Thrash. The playing on here is nothing short of amazing, and the production flawless. The music ranges from Thrashy Death to acoustic technical orgasms, the likes of which would make the guys in Fates Warning kill themselves. The only even remotely “bad” part of this is that it tends to make the songs seem a bit fragmented, and not as memorable as they would be otherwise. That’s all that’s keeping this from a 10, and it’s not by much.

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Flowerland - Pretty Little Twisted

Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2011

These guys sound like a somewhat faster and more talented Pearl Jam. The loud bass, and generally excellent sound really help it out for me, but this is a style I simply don’t honestly like. I would, however, say that if you at all like such bands as Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, or the aforementioned Pearl Jam, then you would have to love Flowerland.

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Forbidden - Distortion

Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2011

This starts really strong. I was worried about the drums, as their former skin beater is now in the mighty Slayer, but drum-wise this is just fine, thank you. Russ succumbs to a little vocal distortion every now and then, which is suicide for him. And the riffs occasionally falter, and sound like that horrid “new Thrash” now called (by some) “Power Metal” [which would eventually become known as Nu-Metal. -Editor] When not vocally distorted, and not stealing riffs from former Hairspray Rockers, this is okay, but those are transgressions which I simply cannot forgive.

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Flotsam and Jetsam - Drift

Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2011

I was a little worried that they might alter their style, but they came through for me again. Certainly Thrashy, and definitely intense, this is maybe even better than their last album, Cuatro, which I liked quite a bit. There is even a little Industrial-ness poking its head through here and there.

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Floor - Seven Inch Record

Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2011

A very impressive sleeve surrounds this strange, sample-laden, Groove-heavy EP. It’s tough to accurately describe the music, but if a band like Kyuss were way tougher, that might come close. When there are vocals, they are off in the distance, giving the whole thing an eerie dream-like quality.

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Fleshold - Pathetic

Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2011

First off, the vocals really remind me of Death, and I guess the music is in the same style, too: Pretty technical Death Metal, with Thrashy parts, and some slower stuff, too. These guys even go one more step and make it all pretty easy to remember, and that’s crucial. It gives them a somewhat original sound, and that’s hard to accomplish nowadays. Excellent production tops off this great release.

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Fear Factory - Demanufacture

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

Oh shit is this a joke. The drums are still totally fuckin’ godlike, but the riffs are all Pantera. And the vocals? All wrong. On their first album, Burton C. Bell really was the “dry lung vocal martyr,” but now he is the “vocal effect and sweet-voice dork.” Oh how the mighty have fallen.

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Fates Warning - Chasing Time

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

Here we have a compilation of some old tracks, and a few new songs, too. If you really want to check out some interesting Progressive Metal, then this is the thing to get, unless you already have all the Fates Warning albums, then it might be too much cash for only three new songs.

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Family of Freaks - ...and Freaks Were Their Names

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

I thoroughly enjoyed the S.O.D. “cover” (“March of the S.O.D.” renamed “Mosh of the F.O.F.”), but it seems that Family of Freaks mine the depths of Speak English or Die for a few other riffs as well. I guess that’s okay. It’s been awhile since I’ve heard a Metal band this concerned with “pit riffs” - Hardcore seems to be trying to recapture that style. Anyway, this is a worthwhile demo.

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