El Duce - Slave to Thy Master

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Uhh, this is El Duce’s solo effort. It sounds like the songs were written in about five minutes, and as if the lyrics were improvised - in the bad way. This is honestly stupid, but I guess Duce revels in his stupidity. He needs the rest of the Mentors more than he thought.

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Effigy - Tortured Souls

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Energetic Death Metal, backed by a drum machine. The songs are catchy, but would be helped by a thicker production. The vocals are plenty brutal, but seem to have been recorded too loudly, and sometimes kind of “break up.” Such is the way of demos, though. But as far as the actual music is concerned, it’s great. High level of conviction and energy. Okay, maybe a touch of lyrical assistance would be a plus, but when these guys can get into a better studio, I predict that the result will be amazing.

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Dysphoria - Day of Atonement

Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2010

It took me a long time to figure out what I would write about this demo. The first time I listened to it, I was physically stunned - I head heard the rumors, but I was not prepared for the Grind speed or extreme heaviness. The songs burned into my mind and refuse to leave, especially the first track, “Agnostic Plea.” The memorable riffs and blast beats are tempered with slow, almost Doomy, parts that occasionally incorporate haunting keyboards. The effect is nothing short of breathtaking. Add to this the most unique (and probably the best) vocal style that exists and amazingly good production, and you have a true masterpiece of brutality.

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Dumt - In… Humor Core Galore

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

This is pretty cool. Really fast Hardcoreish music and vocals. But, despite the title, I didn’t think this was all that funny. It is entertaining, though, and I like it.

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Drop Dead - March of Empire

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

Well, these two songs were taken from the band’s Our Forgotten Destiny demo which came out in 1991. I liked them then and I like them now, but would have much rather heard some new material, as these tracks were recorded over five years ago. As far as the music goes, imagine Death’s Leprosy album, but perhaps a bit more experimental.

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Drogheda - Unearthly

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

Ranging from Doom to Grind, these drum machine powered Deathsters don’t seem to always be hitting the mark. They are something of an experimental band, I suppose, and some of their ideas are dead cert, but some are in outer space. At least they are trying to be sort of original.

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Doughboys - Crush

Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010

One of the songs here is called “Shitty Song.” I had really high hopes for that one, but its really no shittier than the rest of this crap. Wimpy, Psudo-Alternative that uses guitars only because no one in the band can program a synth. Poppy. Happy. Light. Boring, or possibly just terrible.

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Digital Orgasm - It

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

I will admit to not knowing much about Techno, but I’m fairly sure that this isn’t what good Techno sounds like. The beats are adequate, I suppose, however this is mostly slower than I envisioned. More Pop Dance than the Alternative sort. Or maybe just Alternative of a different kind. I’m not really sure, but I am sure that I don’t like it.

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Dissonance - Sleepless Dead

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

It’s a strange thing to say, but I’ve never heard a band from Lithuania that I didn’t like. Dissonance play a unique brand of atmospheric Doom, and I believe that what sounds like keyboards is, in fact, an actual viola. Now, to me, that’s pretty cool. If you like your Doom on the Death side of things, then get to writin’.

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