Deicide - Once Upon the Cross

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Okay, this utterly destroys this last album, Legion. It’s written and performed more like their self-titled debut. And if you’re not sure what this band sounds like, then put the mag down and go check out Spin. Well not Spin, I guess, since they once had an article on Deicide. Maybe YM, or Cosmo. Anyway, it did take them about three years to come up with 28 minutes and 12 seconds of music, so these guys are slow workers, but this is pretty high quality. I think they have been working on their solos quite a bit in those 3 years. And that was about all that ever needed work. Hey, another 2 minutes and it could even be considered a full length release - oh, wait a minute, they’re claiming that this is a full length album! And charging full price for it, too! Is Satan their lord, or is it cash? Only Glen’s accountant knows for sure.

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Deeds of Flesh - Gradually Melted

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Very raw vocals, very heavy music. And fast, too. I’ll admit that these guys don’t do much that’s groundbreaking, but for solid brutality, look no further. Making the songs more memorable would have helped for me, but I understand that some people forgive that as long as the music is pit-inducing enough, which it is.

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Decrepit (Ohio - USA) - Creation of Sin

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

This CD compiles the two tracks from the band’s The Wake 7-inch, their 6-song Hymns of Grief and Pain demo, and one unreleased cut into over 40 minutes of pulverizing Death Metal. Although I normally despise the term “groove” (as in Groove Rock, or Groove Metal) and all it implies, these songs have, in the true sense of the word, groove. They are brutal Death, but at the same time, easy to remember and they make you want to smash into stuff. Hopefully we’ll get to hear some new material damn soon.

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Deceased - The Blueprints for Madness

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

King Fowley and company return with some more Death Metal from the grave, as they say. This is their best album yet, which is saying a lot. The songwriting, intensity, and musicianship are all turned up a notch or two, and King is as sick a vocalist as he was from day one. Miss it not.

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Decay - Decay (limited edition advance copy)

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

The production isn’t quite up to that of Rebirth, although it’s still better than most demos. Anyway, these two songs have lost no intensity, and are a little heavier. And Randy, who always had an excellent sound, treats us to some very interesting basslines, which, being a bassist myself, is what I always listen for. The first track, “Self Hate,” is, like before, not all that memorable. However, the other track, “What You Fear Most,” certainly is. Have they discovered the secret? Their next release will tell the tale.

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Death of Millions - Ritual Killing

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

The (minimum) things necessary for a Death Metal band to kick ass: Crushing riffs, raw vocals, intense drumming. This band has mastered all of these elements, and have used them to create some very brutal, yet somewhat catchy, music.

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Death - Symbolic

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

I think that this must be the album that Chuck has always wanted to make. The production is flawless, as is the playing. I noticed the loss of Steve DiGiorgio on bass, but new guy Kelly Conlon is no wimp, to be sure. Gene Hoglan has remained on drums, and his playing is beyond belief. I’ll put Gene up against Pete Sandoval, or anyone else, whenever you want. This is the best Death album since Leprosy, and although certainly not as heavy, maybe even better.

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Deadguy - Fixation on a Coworker

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

As far as Hardcore is concerned, this might be as balls-out as it gets. Musically very intense, but vocally even more so. I have seldom heard anyone sound this pissed off, and this level of ferocity remains a constant for the entire album. Very impressive release.

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Dead Infection - A Chapter of Accidents

Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010

Anyone for a little gory Death/Grind? The weird cymbal sound annoys the hell out of me (it sounds like beating two thin metal sticks together, in the bad way), but other than that (which is pretty hard to just ignore), this is okay, but really nothing too special.

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