Hypocrisy - Penetralia

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011

This is some fucking evil Death Metal. Hypocrisy’s debut is above average, but the weird thing about the album is that the drummer only played on three tracks; the guitarist plays on the rest. All songs are totally Satanic, the best being “Take the Throne.” This will be a band to look for in the future. If you have time, pick it up for the ultra-brutal riffing and godslaying lyrics.

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Grave - You’ll Never See…

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

This is Grave’s second album, and for a band that did not like the Sunlight sound, they seem to be stuck with it. But this album is great. The opening riff of the title track is so fucking cool, I almost blew a wad when I heard it. Although absent one bass player, Jorgen Sandstrom (vocals and guitar) manages the bass tracks just fine. This is the second best album to come out of Sweden this year, following closely behind Unleashed’s Shadows in the Deep. Brutal album, buy it.

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Gorefest - False

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

Holy shit! Heavier and more brutal (and more memorable!) than their impressive debut, Mindloss. Plus cool lyrics and Jan-Chris’ truly stunning vocals. Again produced by Death god Colin Richardson, who manages to make this one of the best sounding Death Metal albums of all time. Really, this has no faults. No brutality is sacrificed in making the songs memorable. I don’t really know how this could be any better. [I also have no idea why the hell I didn’t give this the 10 it deserves! -Editor]

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Goreaphobia - Omen of Masochism

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two tracks of intense Death Metal. The rawness of the production adds to the energy, and heaviness of the music, but I’d be interested to hear what these guys could do with a better sound.

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Godflesh - Pure

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

After Slavestate, Godflesh had lost a few notches on my respect level, however, this album puts them on the road to redemption. A distinctive Industrial groove, and at 79 minutes, a good value. But upon careful scrutiny, flaws become clear. The majority of the songs are redundant- a bit too free form. Not enough structure, sort of like Industrial Jazz. This Industrial/Grind/Dance stuff is still trying to find its wings, so this should be considered ground breaking stuff - sort of. After Streetcleaner, I just expected more.

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The Gathering - Always…

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

The keyboards and other “extra” instruments make this sound pretty strange, but also very interesting. Possibly not totally successful in their experimental fusion of different styles into what I suppose will also be called Doom, The Gathering have certainly attempted to do more on this album than almost any other band I can quickly think of. And it nearly always works for them. I expect their next release to be utterly flawless.

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The Fury - Sex…

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pretty energetic and fairly Punky sounding. I think perhaps if the songs were a little shorter, I might like this better, as they seem to occasionally drag. Sometimes the lyrics are sorta wrong too. Every now and then, something really great happens, but it’s almost never sustained. This has a lot of good elements, but they’re spread out among the songs.

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Funeral Nation - The Benediction

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

A bit more Thrashy than I was expecting. And definitely more commercial, at least on the track “Encased in Glass.” But having said all this, The Benediction is actually pretty good. Not as good as their unbelievable After the Battle album, but that could well be impossible, and they are trying to incorporate some new styles.

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Freak Show - Freak Show

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

Their first song is called “Into the Void” and it’s not a Black Sabbath cover. However they do cover a Beastie Boys song. Sorry, guys, I don’ think so.

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