Dump Gang - IngoddaPlastafeario

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

This is weird. Sometimes I hear shades of Gwar, and others it’s maybe as nutty (and impressive) as Frank Zappa. Occasionally a little splash of Primus jumps out. It’s interesting and entertaining to listen to Dump Gang, and they’re clearly very talented, but this seems to be weird for weirdness’ sake.

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Dream Sovereign - Dream Sovereign

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

After the terrible intro finally ends, the speedy Black/Death Metal starts. Dream Sovereign have some good ideas and a few cool riffs, but even after several listens, I’m not too impressed. It might have something to do with the fuzzy sound of this recording. It’s as if the whole thing were just slightly overdriven. I think it might have been intentional, since it seems to affect the vocals more than anything else.

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Downright Malice - Promotion Tape

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

This promo tape has four songs of very energetic Thrash form the band’s self-released In Doctrine Nation 8-song CD. These cuts are well played, fairly memorable, and the production is great. But even with all that going for it, this is still somehow not a spectacular release. It’s not bad, though.

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Downfall - Breathing Solitude

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

This is a project band for Stephan, but I certainly hope he manages to recruit enough members to make it into a full time band, since it’s quite good. The beautiful guitar work, and speedy riffs, take the mind of the listener back to days of Thrash gone bye. Very enjoyable listening.

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Doppelganger - Doppelganger

Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010

Although there is no address given, the J-card mentions a record label called Angel’s of Hell, so this might not actually be a demo. If that’s the case, I trust that both the band and label will accept my apologies, and take my advice and put the label’s address on future releases. Anyway, the depressing, Gothic tinged music (vocals, too) of Doppelganger reminds me a whole lot of Type O Negative. They do a great job with this style and are more consistently heavy and depressing than Type O (at least on the original issue of their Bloody Kisses album), but perhaps a more unique sound would make them even better.

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Doodskist Bloesem - Blossom

Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010

Another minimalistic Trance/Noise/Electronic production of the deranged mind of my friend Steinbock. The slow march of the drums is almost at odds with the rabid shrieks of lust-filled poetry, and the distorted droning of the bass. At times, this gives me the feeling of being buried alive - hearing the shovel-fulls of dirt drop down upon my helpless mind.

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Domestic Altercation - Pagan

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

Imagine if Scorn were stripped of its disco beats and all that remained was the distant howls from the abyss. If this music has a precedent, it would be the work of the fearsome Lustmord on the LPs Heresy and The Monstrous Soul: no singing, and a focus on the unidentifiable and disturbing. Off in the near-silent distance you will hear subtle and evocative sounds, until you realize that maybe the background is the foreground and then you will shiver to find the foreground right in your fucking face.

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Divine Sin - Winterland

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

Fuck yes! That was my first thought upon hearing this. Divine Sin play very fierce Thrash. Very fierce. Maybe along the lines of a Dark Angel/Demolition Hammer mix, if you can imagine such a thing. Fredde’s vocals are mostly gruff, and honestly sound pretty unique. Then are the times when he uses a clean style, and is quite good at that, too. The band’s playing and songwriting are easily as stunning as the excellent vocals. Winterland is a masterful album, that all fans of true Metal should worship.

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Distress - Putrid Corpse

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

Very brutal, old-style sick/gore Death Metal. Done the way it should be, with extremely raw vocals and chainsaw guitars ripping through your skull. Easily one of the best true Death Metal demos I’ve heard for a long time.

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