Macabre - Nightstalker

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This has five tracks from the band’s Sinister Slaughter album, but they’re all a bit different than the LP versions, especially “Zodiac.” If you’ve not heard Macabre before, now’s the time. Their style of Murder Metal is without peer, and sick and brutal are too weak to describe them. You were warned.

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Macabre - Sinister Slaughter

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Murder Metal from the bowels of Chicago. All the songs are about serial killers. And all the songs themselves kill. There is a certain element of humor, which makes it all the more sick. Heavy enough for Death Metal, sick enough for The Dead Youth, cool enough for me: This is an utter masterpiece. Favorite track: “Is It Soup Yet?”

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Malevolent Creation - Stillborn

Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2011

There is certainly no lack of brutality here. In fact, they may have even sacrificed a little feeling in the name of increased brutality. This is Malevolent Creation’s first effort to not be recorded at Morrisound, and they have never sounded better. An excellent LP, although not quite the perfect album I was expecting. Next time it will be, though.

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Gwar - America Must Be Destroyed

Posted on Friday, July 01, 2011

Yeah this new album has the best production and, supposedly, songwriting so far, but several of the songs travel really far from the Thrash realm, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea for these freaks, but at least the songs are memorable (and pretty amusing). Lots of drugs, sex (with a quadriplegic) and destruction (by a mutant dinosaur) grace the lyrics. The Scumdogs have broadened their style, but this remains mostly true to form. Does several homosexual, crack smoking, human butchering monsters, destroying the Earth in graphic detail sound cool? Well, except for the gay parts, it’s at least stupid (and funny) enough to be entertaining. And they have apparently learned to play their instruments pretty well. But I have to wonder how much longer they can keep the joke going and the image up…

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Hypocrisy - Osculum Obscenum

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011

These guys have the balls to cover Venom’s “Black Metal” and not even credit them. I assume that was an oversight on Hypocrisy’s part. Or maybe they figured that if you don’t know who wrote “Black Metal,” you don’t deserve to. Anyway, the rest of this album is really good Black Death Metal. Not much of a progression from their first album, but that’s fine.

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Grave - ...and Here I Die… Satisfied

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two new tracks, which utterly kill everything. A demo track from ‘86, which is very raw and also very cool. A track from the In the Eyes of Death compilation. And two more tracks from their debut, Into the Grave (which you should already fucking own), but in remixed form. You have heard of Grave, right? Get this or get dead.

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Gorefest - The Endhoven Insanity

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

Here we have eight live tracks from the Dynamo Festival, which is held in Holland. The sound quality is excellent, and after reading the above two reviews [of 1992’s masterpiece False and 1991’s Mindless], I shouldn’t have to say anything else. Unless you hate live albums, buy this.

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Kataklysm - The Mystical Gate of Reincarnation

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fuck! It’s been a while since I heard vocal grunts like these - I mean, Sylvian growls the lyrics and then he also just sort of makes some sick noises. This is unbelievably intense, even when they slow down from blast-speed, and amazingly heavy and brutal. Get this, just get this.

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Gloo Girls - Attention Shoppers

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

Maybe it’s the samples from The Wizard of Oz in the first song (it’s about witches). Maybe it’s how loud the bass is mixed. Maybe it’s just ‘cause this is cool. I like this a lot. I wonder if the Sage in this band is the same one who’s in Youth Gone Mad. Anyway, this is a kinda Punk-inspired two woman band. Lots of energy, and the songs are short and catchy. It’s only about 20 minutes long, and I dug every second.

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