Dissection - Storm of the Light’s Bane

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

Black Metal is a specifically hard genre to maintain originality in, but Sweden’s Dissection certainly pull it off. This is Black Metal unlike most other. It is very Thrashy with a Frost-like feel, yet contains all of the sickness of a modern Black outfit. These guys are also extremely talented musicians, and the cover art is fucking awesome! If you’re into Black Metal, but tired of all the rip-offs, this band will make your ball hairs stand up straight.

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Dispatched - Awaiting the End

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

The sound is amazing, but it was recorded at Unisound, so that’s only to be expected. The music is also amazing and extremely intense, sometimes even sort of majestic. They play a kind of dark Thrashy Death, with keyboards, perhaps a bit like Nightfall, although not quite as perfected.

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Dismembered Fetus - I Don’t Feel So Fuckin’ Good

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

Fast -sometimes bordering on Noise- Death Metal. Generally not very engrossing, but certainly brutal, after a fashion, sort of like early Meat Shits, except that these songs are longer, and more thought out.

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Dismember - Massive Killing Capacity

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010

All their press release wants to tell me is that these zombies have incorporated some NWOBHM influences into their song writing. Well, no shit. Press releases are generally worthless to those of us who actually listen to an album before we review it. So, let me tell you about the reality of this CD. Dismember is a band which has had its share of bullshit to deal with. They have been called Entombed clones, had their CDs stopped at borders, and have been in legal battles over their songs. They deserve better than to have a press release which claims that they are a combination of Death Metal and Grunge. That’s utterly insane, and the guy at Relapse who thinks he hears any Grunge on this album should stop listening to the fuckin’ Doors all the time, and actually spin an album a couple times before he writes up the shit he sends out to us helpless zine guys. Fuck! Anyway, this picks up right where Indecent and Obscene left off. Is it intense? Yes. Is it gonna rip your head off and shit into your brain? You know it. Is Matti still Mr. Vokills? Of corpse. Is it their best album so far? Maybe. But for sure they created it within the 666 layers of Sunlight studios.

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Disarray - Widespread Human Disaster

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

On the inside of their J-card it says, “for lyric sheet. please write,” then has their address. A word of advice to bands: When the choice is between a band photo or the lyrics, I think more people will care about what you have to say over how you look. The fact that there was enough empty space on the inside of the J-card to print the lyrics is even more annoying. Then, of course, the band expects those who order the demo from them to write them again to get a lyric sheet. Why not send one out with each demo sold? And why not enclose one when sending a demo to a zine for a review? Now, about the demo. Nice, thick, clear sound supporting pretty good (sometimes fairly Groove inspired) Thrashy music. The vocals sometimes get a bit raw, and sometimes sound like the tough guy new “Aggro Metal” bullshit.

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Disabled - Here Lies Your God

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

Very intense, expertly played and written, blasphemous Death Metal. The band denies any connection to either Black Metal or Doom, but there are certainly some crushingly slow parts, and all the lyrics are anti-god. At any rate, however you label them, Disabled are monstrously severe and these three brutally memorable cuts will leave you utterly destroyed.

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Disabled - Promo Tape

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

Only 2 songs, but very well played and exploding with energy. These guys go for speed over heaviness, but the vocals are brutal enough to make up for that. Perhaps a bit too hyper to be really memorable, but they do manage to capture a somewhat original sound, which is hard enough these days.

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Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - Die Verbannten Kinder Evas

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

All atmosphere and orchestral, these guys maybe out do Decoryah at their own game. Self-described as “Dark Wave,” which, upon reflection, does indeed seem to fit.

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Die Toten Hosen - Love, Peace & Money

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

This sort of extremely Poppy “Punk” really sickens me. It’s the Punk equivalent of maybe Ratt, I think. Horrid.

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