Unleashed - Across the Open Sea

Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2012

I had built this album up in my mind so much before I actually heard it, that there was no way it could be as great as I expected. There are two big problems with this: First their badly timed cover of “Breaking the Law” will have every Beavis-wanna-be on earth thinking that Johnny Hedlund gives a fuck about what they think. And, much like Shadows in the Deep, this sounds very similar to their debut, Where No life Dwells. This is good, and is even in some ways fairly original, but I honestly expected something a little different. This certainly does not change the fact that Johnny is the coolest person ever to live.

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Parricide (Lithuania) - Liberation

Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obviously this is not the same band as either the Parricide from the USA, or the one from Poland. After an ominous intro, the Death blasts out fast and furious. Pretty standard material, but played with a lot of energy, and the sound is great. I’d like it better if they had a more unique sound (and name, I guess), but they certainly get the job done.

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Necrony - Pathological Performances

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Industrial intro aside, this album is composed of monstrously brutal Death Metal. The riffs are heavy and memorable. The speed varies from slow, almost groovy, to total Blast. Like the speed, the vocals also range from uncomprehendably raw, to a somewhat more understandable version of the classic Death rattle. In every way a classic album.

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Necromantia - Demo ‘93

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

First of all, a guitar is still too wimpy for these blasphemers: They continue to use two basses (one four-string and one eight-string), and have a guest musician perform the guitar solos. This makes for a sick sounding recording. Extremely unholy Black Metal, and although there are only two songs, both are fairly long and very dark and disturbing. Especially “Les Litanies de Satan.” If you think you can handle this, Necromantia is one of the best Black Metal bands that exists, and this may be the Black demo. Ask them about their split LP with Varathron, and CD, too.

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Morgue (Illinois - USA) - Eroded Thoughts

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

This starts off very fast, but slows down on the first track. The songs are all well written, but could use less solos, although they are good. Only two new songs are on this, with the rest being redone versions of demo songs. Favorite track: “Coroner’s Report.”

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Morbid Angel - Covenant

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

It would have probably been better if Richard Brunelle played on it, but this is still fine Morbid. Azagthoth overdubs a lot and his shit gets more progressive all the time. And any record with Pete fuckin’ Sandoval on drums is basically guaranteed to be evil. Unfortunately, the cool keyboard/flute/mellow guitar parts of Blessed… are gone (except for one long freaky track) and they’re sorely missed. But otherwise Morbid Angel still have some of the best riffs going.

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Godsend - As the Shadows Fall

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Well, that was a surprise. This sounds sorta like new Cathedral, in that it has a strong Rock base and builds upon that basically with Doom elements. This makes for a unique listen, as this is more Doomy than Cathedral, and not as Rocky as Cemetary, but at least as heavy as either of them. Pretty weird and pretty cool, too.

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Meat Shits - Mindfuck Delirium

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Only 18 songs this time, from the master of Porno Grind, Robert Deathrage, and his Meat Shits. This 7-inch EP is a little more in the Death Metal vein than some other MS releases, but of course the songs are still very short.

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Malicious Onslaught - Brutal Gore ‘93

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This band improves with each release, and so this is their best effort thus far. It shows a dramatic improvement even from their Rebellious Mayhem album, which I liked. MO rip through these songs and leave the listener fucking dead in their wake. My only criticism is that the production isn’t too good, but that can easily be fixed. Check this out.

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