In-Quest - Xylad Valox

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

On the back of the j-card it says, “raw insane intense power.” You’d have to read the lyric booklet to understand the “insane” part, but that pretty much sums it up. In-Quest plays fast, brutal Death Metal. The weird part is that it’s actually very memorable. And that’s somewhat due to the ultra clear production, but mostly to the exacting skill of the band. The playing on these songs is utterly flawless, and at speeds like this, that’s extra difficult. But do Noise Grinder’s vocals keep up? Indeed. His style is actually like that of Glen Benton, but about twice as fierce.

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Lividity - Ritual of Mortal Impalement

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Brutal and somewhat memorable Death Metal. Very bass-heavy and thick, with no shortness of speed when necessary. But don’t think that Lividity rely on speed to make their point, they can be as slow and heavy when they feel like it. A punishing delivery of some fresh meat.

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Krabathor - Lies

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Does he say “Fuck the Christ”? Now that’s how to start an album! The rest of this is intense Death Metal. Powerful production and everything else, really.

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Insanity (Brazil) - Phobia

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The only fault with these songs is that there are only two of them. Insanity’s brand of Thrashy Death Metal is pretty memorable, and the sound is thick, and bass heavy. Hopefully they will release some more material soon.

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Godsend - In the Electric Mist

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Parts of this, like the first song, “Down Upon You,” are the heaviest Doom I’ve heard in a long time that has clean vocals. Then there are some songs that are not in any way heavy; more straight Hard Rock, perhaps not unlike early Deep Purple. In the Electric Mist is a really varied release, that obviously has its influences in very early Metal, but the band brings their own identity to the style. I can’t say that I like every song on here, but most of them are amazing, and the few remaining are all at least acceptable.

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Godsend - In the Electric Mist

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The very heavy Doom riffs will grind your bones to dust, and the smooth vocals will bring you back from beyond. They experiment with their sound, but generally avoid adding any Groove, as some bands have. Unfortunately, what takes its place, instead of more crushing riffs, are Rock songs. It’s a really odd mixture of styles that I just don’t understand. Parts of this are great, but just not all of it, and the bad parts can be really disappointing.

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Judas Iscariot - The Cold Earth Slept Below

Posted on Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Nearly 45 minutes of very simple, poorly produced Black Metal. It sounds as if the vocals were added as an afterthought, since they rarely have anything to do with the music. I’ve heard a lot of hype about this band, but this just puts me to sleep. The very best it gets is okay. I think this is a one man band, so I’ll be a little lenient on the rating. Maybe I’m missing some aspect that makes it great, but probably not.

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Infernal Torment - Man’s True Nature

Posted on Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Now we get to the sickest motherfuckers (literally!) around. Infernal Torment are (at the time of this CD’s release) arguably the heaviest Death Metal band on Earth, and it’s between them and Pathologist for the most utterly brutal Death vomit vocals I’ve ever heard, although IT do vary the vox, and are sometimes they are “only” as brutal as those on Cannibal Corpse’s Tomb of the Mutilated. If you want ultra-intense Death Metal with the sickest lyrics you’ll ever read (probably sicker than you think!), then look no further. I must add two more comments: I don’t know how they do it, and maybe it’s because I listened to their flawless Instincts demo about two million times before I got this CD, but this stuff is really catchy! And, according to the liner notes, the guitar lead in the track “No Longer a Virgin” was “recorded while watching a nun being penetrated with an 18-inch cock.” Knowing these guys, they might just mean they personally witnessed it! If you ask me, that’s cool.

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Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt

Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2011

I was warned that the production was a little weird, but really other than a lack of bass, and a thin guitar sound it’s fine. It’s very clear, but I won’t lie and say that the thinness of the guitar sound doesn’t hurt them, because it does. A better recording would have been a plus. But let’s discuss the music, shall we? It’s very intense Death Metal, or as the band likes to say, “it’s fuckin’ slammy, and full of pit riffs!” And this description is pretty accurate. I’ve seen these guys live twice, and when they play, all I can think of is dropping everything and diving into a big swarming mass of freaks. The only drawback is that to the owners of this band’s two other CDs (both on Wild Rags), this album presents only four new songs (of 10), albeit with far superior sound, and of course their “new” singer, Frank, utterly destroys their previous vocalists. I predict that their next album will be one for the vaults of eternity.

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