Morgue (Illinois - USA) - Severe Psychopathology

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hail another awesome Death Metal band from Chicago. It seems that this four-piece really got their act together since their Random Decay demo. Brad is a great singer and sounds a little like Luc Lemey [Gorguts]. This demo has great sound and a cool & weird cover. The song “Random Decay” is slower than the rest, but still awesome. However, “Personality Conflict” is the high point of the tape.

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Monstrosity - Imperial Doom

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is solid Death Metal. Pretty speedy and lots of double bass. Good production, too. Great vocals. The songs are even sorta memorable. I don’t like this as much as I think I should, though. They just don’t have a very unique sound or style. This is good, but they need an identity. They need something to set them apart from all the other “good” bands. I predict their next release will do just that.

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Meat Shits - Ecstasy of Death

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Robert Deathrage has really outdone himself with this release. It’s the most complex, and heaviest thing I’ve heard from the Meat Shits. Also the most memorable, and I think the best. Of course all the gore and porn are still very much present, but this is a new level of sickness, beyond and above what has come (uhh, I mean “cum”) before. This is really a work of art, and encompasses the entire spectrum of Death from Industrial, to Grind. And the packaging expertly combines, you guessed it, porn and gore, with emphasis on porn. You’ll fucking puke up a lung, pal.

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Malicious Onslaught - Rebellious Mayhem

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The flanger effect is detracting as hell, it completely fucks up both the vox and guitar of the first track. Thank Satan it ends with that song. After such a fucking poor start, this album really picks up. Yeah, it could use better production, but these guys don’t have all the cash on Earth, and I’m sure Turbo gave ‘em about $3. Anyway, the song “Beyond Evil” is just cool. It’s worth the cost alone. And the rest are good as well. I wasn’t too sure if this would be good at all, but actually it’s great.

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Massacre - Inhuman Condition

Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2011

More focused than From Beyond. Better production and everything else. Especially vox. I really liked Kam’s vocals before, but now they are way more brutal. Fucking way more! Holy shit! These monsters even cover Venom’s “Warhead” and get Cronos to sing and play “Buffalo Bass” on this track! This is brilliant. Not as instantly memorable as the stuff on their debut, but this is more accomplished.

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Infester - Darkness Unveiled

Posted on Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Like the other Moribund 7-inch EPs, this has excellent sound quality, and both these songs are intense Death Metal. Also memorable, which is an unbeatable combination. Sick cover art and red vinyl add the final touches to this great release.

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Incantation - Onward to Golgotha

Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2011

This album was a bit disappointing, but it’s still a great piece of work. It’s just not as good as the Deliverance… 7-inch. This only has a few new songs, one of which is the totally kick-ass title track. Craig’s vocals are still awesome, but the production could have been a little better. But this still kills.

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Impaled Nazarene - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz

Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2011

Like Immortal, this is also more Death Metal sounding than I was ready for. Of course, still most unholy, and fairly weird, this manages to even inject a bit of evil atmosphere, which only adds to a good thing. Of course, this isn’t a Black Metal band - they’re “Industrial Cyber Punk Sado Metal.”

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Immortal - Diabolical Full Moon Mysticism

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not exactly what I was expecting. This is less atmospheric than most Black Metal, but this is not to say that it is less evil - only different. Give this a listen.

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