Cathedral - Soul Sacrifice

Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010

The title track has been re-recorded for this EP and is noticeably different, as are Lee’s vox: they are way less raw and I guess at least double tracked. This vocal style takes some getting used to. Also, the drums are simpler than I would expect - not as much double bass. In fact, this EP is way less Death or Doom than I was expecting. I guess that’s Columbia’s influence. Too bad. “Autumn Twilight” and “Frozen Rapture” both kill god, but the other two tracks barely give him pause. I wonder what their next full length LP will sound like…

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Casbah - Demo 1992

Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fairly straight forward Thrash with yelled vocals. The four songs are all catchy and this is produced well. I dig it. If you like Thrash at all, check this out - it beaks no new ground, but it’s pretty cool.

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Carcass - Tools of the Trade

Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2010

This four song EP has the same great production as Carcass’ last album [Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious -Editor]. That may or may not be great news. But I like it. I’ve always thought these guys were a bit stuck on themselves to be so self-congratulatory as to use medical terms they learned in college before dropping out, but you can’t deny their musical prowess. They fucking kill. And so does this EP.

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Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated

Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2010

Great cover art. Banned again. Even the “censored” art has been banned in some places! And they have the goriest lyrics this side of Autopsy. Heavy? Fuck yeah! Brutal? Holy shit is it ever! Even remotely memorable? Nope. Boring? Sadly, yes. This album is so brutal that it could kill everything on earth. These freaks know brutal. And they know how to get a great sounding recording. But what they don’t know is how to make me remember any of their songs. Lyrics - sure. I love ‘em. And what cool song titles! And the cover - stunning! But can I remember a single riff or anything like that? Nope, I fell asleep. Upped some for sheer brutality.

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Cadaver - Pains

Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2010

A little more on the experimental side of Death Metal, not totally unlike Disharmonic Orchestra. The vocals are a bit screechy and if they were a little different, it might help. But they are easily distinguished from other bands, so that is obviously in their favor. Musically they are untouchable and this is, all things considered, an excellent release.

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C.I.A. - Attitude

Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2010

For some reason, I was expecting this to be pretty bad. Sometimes I’m really wrong. In reality, this is an excellent Thrash album. There is an unbelievable amount of energy in this record. [Nuclear Assault’s Glenn] Evans obviously gave everything he had to give and the result is awesome.

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Brutal Truth - Perpetual Conversion

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

This five song EP has something for virtually everyone. The title track is Death/Grind the Brutal Truth way. Next up is a bass-heavy Techno/Rave remix of the first track done by Larceny. It’s an interesting change of style. “Walking Corpse” is from their debut album and was one of the best tracks on it. Now we come to a Black Sabbath cover, “Lord of This World,” which is kinda cool. “Bed Sheet” finishes up the disc. It’s a bunch of noise and samples over a sorta Dance-oriented beat (usually). I’ve heard stranger stuff, but never all by the same band.

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Brainstorm (California - USA) - Ultra Violent Raids

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

If the recording were a little better, it would make it lot easier to tell how good Brainstorm is. I can hear a lot of things to like about this Thrash outfit: Catchy riffs, psudo-Death scream vocals. But the level is so low, the tape hiss is nearly as loud as the music, and that’s kind of a distraction for me. I think in a good studio, these guys could do pretty well. And while they save up the money for Unisound and the trip to Sweden, they might want to work on the lyrics a little.

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Brain - Blasphemous Odd Fellows

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Very catchy and extremely well recorded and played Thrash. Completely fucking amazing. Everything here is right. Shinya may be my new bass hero. This has an unbelievable amount of energy - it just explodes out of the speakers. The vocals are original and kinda weird (this may have something to do with the fact that English is not Norio’s native language), but very cool. I can’t say enough good things about this demo. Just buy it. Now!

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