Infernal Torment - Instincts

Posted on Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Some bands try to be the goriest, or the heaviest, or have the best production, or the most memorable riffs, or the most brutal drums, or the more intense vocals. Infernal Torment utterly destroy them all. No band has lyrics more overflowing with gore than this band of post-mortem motherfuckers. Never have I heard a demo with production this powerful, or clear. The riffs and drums are worthy of Carcass at their splatterific best, which, in case you didn’t know, means that they fuckin’ kill. And then there are the vocals. Scott is in the running for the sickest Death pukes in the history of the world. This is truly worthy of the description “brutal.” The intensity is just beyond belief. I think you should put this zine down immediately, and write to these guys. If this doesn’t get them signed, then the world must be destroyed.

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Incantation - Mortal Throne of Nazarene

Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2011

Heaviness without end. Unparalleled brutality. This is an intense album! Super-powered Death Metal from the first second to the last.

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Gwar - This Toilet Earth

Posted on Friday, July 01, 2011

Well, the first song, “Saddam a Go-Go,” features a horn section. I guess this continues the musical experimentation begun on the last album, America Must Be Destroyed, and I’m glad to hear it, and this is by no means a wimpy album. The experimentation only adds to the sickness of the Gwar experience. Also, the songs are really memorable, and the production is pretty flawless. I like it. A lot.

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Horror of Horrors - Sounds of Errie

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here’s one for the vaults. If only I could hear the bass guitar, it would probably be flawless. The recording and production are excellent. I have added Smoot Sound to my little list of cool studios. Hey, these guys even have riffs - and they go totally nutty and make those riffs memorable, too! What crazy guys! Drums you ask? Think Deicide. Which is to say, very clear, precise, and deadly. Mostly mid-paced to fast, with a really fast part here and there. Okay, will the vocals will ruin it for me, as they have on so many other albums? Fuck no! I like ‘em. They’re raw, but not impossible to understand. Excellent job.

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Gorgoroth - Pentagram

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011

Primitive goat worship. Bad production - of course! Fairly interesting riffs and drums. Is there bass? The vocals are as tortured as any I’ve heard. Would a better production really make this band, or utterly destroy them? Too many questions. But a fast, Black Metal attack, to be sure. The biggest downfall is that this is all one big track on the CD! All the songs are programmed as one, so you cannot go to the beginning of any song but the first [This was apparently only the case for the Wild Rags pressing(s). -Editor]. I hope that this is not the next trend for “true” Black Metal to blindly follow!

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Gorefest - Erase

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

After their amazing False album, I knew I would have to be disappointed by whatever came next. But this is a surprise anyway. It’s not exactly horrible, but they have abandoned most of their heaviness and speed. I’m too shaken up to continue with this. Maybe they will come to their senses and write a good album next time.

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Ghostorm - The End of All Songs

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

The Thrashy style of Death Metal played by Ghostorm is second to none. The songwriting and musicianship displayed in these songs is usually staggering. Plus they have the added bonus of being pretty damn heavy, and memorable. Even the vocals are cool. For what more could one ask? I dunno.

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Ghastly Secret - Unearthed

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

The interesting lyrics are occasionally sung in such a way that you would think that no attention was paid to the music at all when they were recorded. Other than that, I’m sort of fond of these songs. I suppose you’d call them Death Metal, thanks to the vocals, but I’m not sure if that’s exactly right for the music.

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Furbowl - The Autumn Years

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am reminded of Dismember a bit. Well, maybe an occasionally more Rock oriented Dismember. Pretty cool if you ask me.

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