All Out War - For Those Who Were Crucified

Posted on Monday, August 30, 2010

This has a clear Slayer influence from the Reign in Blood and South of Heaven era! Great riffs and aggressive drumming keep things from becoming repetitious, which is something that I thought would be a problem with bands of this style. I don’t particularly care for the Hardcore vocal style shouted by Mike Score, but that’s neither here nor there. Seek out this CD and add some spice to your musical palate!

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Agathodaimon - Blacken the Angel

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

For the first few minutes of the initial track, I was really wondering why the band call their mournful dirge style “Black Metal” at all, since, other than the vox, it’s pretty far away from the blazing demonic speed of most of their evil peers. But they do have an element of speed and raw aggression, and wisely choose to use it only when necessary, relying on varying their style all over the place. This results in a pretty diverse sound, and a great CD.

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Aftermath - Eyes of Tomorrow

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

This is my third time reviewing this album, remastered, and re-released yet again, this time by Black Lotus. It really doesn’t sound any different from the Thermometer or Zoid versions. Aftermath have been favorites of mine for over a decade, and were the second band ever interviewed in Metal Curse. Their Thrash style has remained intact through numerous trends, and this album is a classic. But since its release, Aftermath have apparently formed a new band with the intention of “exploring more experimental musical paths.” I’ll miss Aftermath. And I wish that I had half their luck with convincing other labels to license my releases.

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Aeternus - ...and So the Night Became

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Their first domestic [Unites States - Editor] release, but hardly their debut, this is a near perfect fusion of the atmosphere and majesty of the best Black Metal, with the heaviness, power and feeling of true Death Metal, and some old time Traditional Metal riffs filtered through all the evilness. Can’t beat that.

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Aeba - Im Schattenreich…

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fast, yet melodic, Black Metal.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

[Originally self-released in 1997, then reissued in 1998 on Last Episode. -Editor]

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Adramelech - Seven

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Three new cuts of their patented intense Death Metal, and as if you needed any more reason, there are also two live songs. According to the press release, this is a “taster of their forthcoming 2nd full-length album.” Well, this has done its job and made me plenty hungry for the next album, so bring it on!

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Adorior - Like Cutting the Sleeping

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

If I didn’t know from reading the bio that this was “true fucking Metal,” I might think that it was a pretentious attempt at weirdness and “extremity” masquerading as Black Metal. It’s fast, it’s got shrieky vocals, and supposedly experimental stuff (female vocals, nutty riffs…) thrown in ad hoc, just to show how “original” they are. Songs, and any other art forms, should create a reaction in the viewer, reader, or listener. Adorior only create the desire to start listening to something else.

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Acheron - Those Who Have Risen

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Amazing Satanic Death Metal. Their best release so far.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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Mumia Abu-Jamal - All Things Censored…

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What can I say about the plight of Mumia? He’s on Death Row for supposedly killing a cop. Well, first, all the evidence seems to suggest that he didn’t do it, and second, I say the only good cop is a dead cop anyway, so what’s the big deal? So, why does The Man want Mumia dead? I guess everyone’s scared because he has a mind of his own and isn’t afraid to speak it and talk about some pretty serious issues. This CD consists, in part, of a series of essays Mumia wrote for National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” program, but thanks to governmental pressure, he was fired and they never aired. Too bad N.P.R. didn’t have the balls to stand up for Mumia and freedom of speech in general. All the proceeds from this CD go toward Mumia’s legal defense so if it were fucking blank you should buy it anyway, but it’s not. This is about 73 minutes of chilling reality, recorded right from the heart of corruption in Death Row, where murder is legal, along with commentary from some of Abu-Jamal’s supporters. Educate yourself. Now how the fuck do I assign a numerical rating to something like this?

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