Anal Cunt - Everyone Should Be Killed

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heavier and even more raw than their Morbid Florist disc, this album will appeal to all Grind/Noise fans. They even mutilate EMF’s “Unbelievable,” and borrow riffs from their favorite bands (which is about the only time actual riffs are noticeable). Sick and weird, just how I like it. Favorite title: “I’m Not Allowed to Like AC Anymore Since They Signed to Earache.”

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Anal Blast - Puss Blood Pentagram

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It’s possible that this demo might be called Bloody Hole, as it says that on the cover, but on the side, and on the tape itself, it says, Puss Blood… Either way, what we have here is a little well produced porno Grind. Anyone who steals both the idea of fucking stab wounds, and rhyming “cunt” and “butt” from the legendary Nuclear Winter, are clearly geniuses and should be recognized as such.

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Agonizing Crush Power - A.C.P.

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ahh, a Hardcore/Thrash/Groove crossover band. Sometimes they slow things down and get kind of sludgy, which I like. The vocals are, as you would guess, yelled, and for what they are it’s not bad, just not something I’d listen to very often.

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Adnauseam (Ohio - USA) - 1994 Promo

Posted on Sunday, April 04, 2010

Brutal Death in the same general vein as Incantation. Too bad there are only two songs on here, as I’d love to hear more, but I guess that for only two bucks, you can’t beat the price. Hopefully they’ll put out some more material soon.

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S.A. Adams - Redemption

Posted on Sunday, April 04, 2010

I’m not exactly sure if this is really a demo, or an album that S.A. dubbed for me, so it may be in the wrong section. [Note: In the now-ancient print version of Metal Curse, demo releases were for some reason reviewed in a separate section from albums, EPs, and whatever other kind of label releases… That’s just how we did shit back way before mp3s and the internet, when cassettes ruled. Yes, it was forever ago. -Editor] Anyway, S.A. plays really high energy, Thrashy kind of stuff. It sort of has a Punk edge to it, and I like it a lot.

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Acrimony - Hymns to the Stone

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sometimes pretty heavy, sometimes groovy, doped out, umm, Space Metal, I guess. Every now and then, I hear a part I like, and the sound of the recording is excellent, but mostly this is pretty uninspiring.

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Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nice Pantera-like distorted vocals. I really hate that. Groove-filled riffs and I’ll bet they use the word “fuck” about 10 million times. Yawn.

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Accuser - Reflections

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The production is extremely clear and the guitar sound is especially excellent. Musically this is fine - fairly intense Thrash. However, I’m not a fan of this sort of “tough-guy” yelled vocals, but at least they aren’t ran through a distortion pedal, or whatever. So, aside from some minor vocal irritation, and the fact that they have a song called “Into the Void,” which is not a Black Sabbath cover, this is pretty good.

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Accursed (Wisconsin - USA) - A Curse Called Life

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hell yes. The music is very involving, thanks to the truly excellent riffs. They manage the difficult task of making heavy riffs very memorable. That, plus the vocals, which rage from a kind of Black Metal shriek, to Glen Benton-like double tracked wipeouts, and all around great musicianship, make this a mandatory demo, if you ask me. They now have an album out on Visceral Productions, so get this while you still can.

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