Besatt - Hail Lucifer

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

When I first heard the unholy racket that this Polish horde churns out, I wrote them off as just another “Grim” Black Metal band trying to do what Darkthrone did a decade ago. After a second and third listen, however, I’ve come to the conclusion that they aren’t just another “Clone-Throne” band - my new description for bands that blatantly and shamelessly ape Darkthrone. Granted, their guitar sound is lacking lower-end and their drums are too loud, but they do have a lot of potential. One thing that I liked was the fact that not only was the bass audible but the bassist can actually play! There was some creative bass work and even some kick-ass guitar riffs. Where Besatt does their best work is when they stay in the mid-paced speed range. When they kick it up into high gear, they just don’t pack the same punch and probably lose some power because the guitars get buried beneath the snare drum assault. This is a good start and if they can keep on adding new ideas to their sound, Besatt will be yet another Polish band to look out for.

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Belphegor - Lucifer Incestus

Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010

A sad case here. These guys have all the tools (speed, technical ability, drums from hell), but somehow this fierce Black/Death onslaught just falls flat on its ass. It’s fast, it’s heavy, a little Dark Funeral here, some Vital Remains there, they even utilize a little melody (“Demonic Staccato Erection” for example). I’ve given this album so many chances and it always ends up like Teflon. It just doesn’t stick, baby.

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Bathtub Shitter - Lifetime Shitlist

Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010

Fast and brutal Japcore with really stupid lyrics. This would actually be okay were it not for the high pitched backing vocals that sound like a 9-year old girl screaming. It’s extremely irritating. Nothing sadder than a joke band that isn’t funny.

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Azrael - Into Shadows Act I: Denial

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Another member of the San Franciscan Unmemorable Black Metal Horde [by way of Minnesota. -Editor]. These guys are easily standouts because they use actual guitar riffs. They aren’t the best riffs, but you can’t have it all. Now all they need is a better vocalist and shorter songs. With these revisions made, I am confident that Azrael can make the jump from downright awful to simply mediocre. The cream of the San Fran crop by far.

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Avenger - Godless

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

After spinning this disc a few times, it’s hard to shake the fact that this Czech band really likes old Morbid Angel. The whole album just reeks of Altars of Madness and Blessed Are the Sick era Morbid Angel, much in the same way as Belphegor (Austria) or Sadistic Intent. The influence is not only clear but actually calls attention to itself. There are a few moments where Avenger breaks away from the worship of the old Florida Death Metal sound and creates some dark, atmospheric shit that sounds sick as fuck. Overall, this is well played, solid in production and packaging, but at the same time really doesn’t show how good this band can be when they hit on an original idea. Having heard this band’s previous releases, I was hoping that they would really push the atmospheric envelope a bit further. There are hints that they may incorporate the atmospheric stuff some more, which gives me yet another reason to pick up their next album.

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Ash & Elm - Ash & Elm

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

This band is very good on the musical side of things, and of course I dig the Heartwork-era Carcass-style vocals. But the clean singing sounds terribly out of place. A decent voice, but maybe almost too clean? However, the 5-song CDR is rescued by elements of Melodeath, Euro-Thrash and even NWOBHM. Imagine Dark Tranquillity when they would… wait a god damn second! Are they? Don’t tell me… I think these guys are fucking christians!! Never mind!

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Arvinger - Helgards Fall

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

Tenth rate Enslaved. Did I mention I don’t even like Enslaved? You can imagine how excited this has me.

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All Out War - Condemned to Suffer

Posted on Monday, August 30, 2010

Holy fuck! From the tortured vocals to the intensity of the so-Hardcore-it’s-Death-Metal music, this is flawless. It’s difficult to know what else to say about this album because listening to it stuns the mind so much. And it is impossible to sit behind a keyboard, typing about this masterpiece while it’s playing. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve been possessed and have to get on with the killing.

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Axenstar - Far from Heaven

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

The intro sounds like something the organist at a homosexual wedding might play. The rest of the album is cliche Power Glam more specifically designed for the honeymoon.

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