Dischange - Seeing Feeling Bleeding

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

28:59 is pretty short for an album. Oh, wait, there are 15 tracks on this. Holy shit! Dischange is a Crust band, so the length is explained. And what’s this? They recorded at Sunlight?! Fuck yeah. Other bands try to bridge the gap between Hardcore and Death, but as far as I’m concerned Dischange is one of a very few to do it successfully. This is a unique sound and band, which incorporates the energy of ‘Core with the heavy, thick sound of Death Metal. Stunning.

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Demilich - Nespithe

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

If only I liked the vocals, which sound like Antti is gargling syrup, this would be supreme. Musically it just kills. Very diverse, but with virtually no loss of memorability. Also pretty heavy, and the production is certainly a big plus. If you could get past the vox, this would be unstoppable, but I can’t.

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Dementia - 1993 demo

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Well, their lyrics make these guys out to be really tough, too bad the music and vocals do not support that. They have a couple good riffs, amid all the traditional Thrash chunks from aeons gone by. I think their best bet would be work on the riffs, and either go instrumental, or work on the lyrics twice as much as the riffs.

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Demented Ted - Promises Impure

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I’ve seen this band live a couple times, and I wasn’t too impressed. I guess they must have been having bad nights, because this is considerably better than their live show. It does, however, have a few faults. The music is perhaps a bit too repetitive, and this detracts from what is occasionally an excellent Death Metal album. With a little more time, DT could really do something great, but they’re not there quite yet.

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Deicide - Amon: Feasting the Beast

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

I don’t care what anyone says. I think that releasing both Amon demos like this is cool. I like hearing the different versions of these songs. Sure, everything off the Sacrificial demo sounds like the a lot like the album versions, but the differences are there. And the Feasting the Beast tracks sound extremely different. This is a must for any Deicide fan, and I like it as much as the two albums, if not more.

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Debauchery (Illinois - USA) - Stimulus

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eerie keyboards haunt these songs and draw the listener into the complexity of the music. Vocally, this could be a bit too screechy for some, however I find that the vox fit seamlessly into this Deathrash onslaught. Everything is used precisely to cause an effect that when combined create an intricate whole. Strangely, no brutality is lost to this, and the songs manage to be memorable as well. Clearly experimental, and clearly an experiment that has succeeded.

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Deathcult - Sodomy / Repulsive in My Ways

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

I suppose the lyrics are fairly juvenile, but these songs are really memorable, and also raw. This is as it should be. I was pleasantly surprised by this release. It’s nothing new at all, and a little more originality would lift them above the crowd, but they still do a fine job.

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Death - Individual Thought Patterns

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chuckie’s back. Call this Human, part II. The sound of Death gets better with time, but 1988’s Leprosy is still the cream. Andy LaRocque (formerly of King Diamond) throws in his wailing two cents along the way, as do Dark Angel’s Gene Hoglan, and Sadus’ bass master, Steve DiGiorgio. My advice is to give this a couple honest plays to grow on you before you write it off.

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The Dead Youth - Writhing

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Dead Youth are, with out a doubt, one of the sickest bands out there. This album is much better than their debut. It starts out with a demented intro, and then goes directly into the kind of repulsive Death Metal these freaks are known for. Everything has improved, from the guitar riffs, to the drums (which are incredible). And of course John’s twisted bass-lines, and Dave’s unholy vocals are as great as everything else. No one can hold a growl as long as Dave. A must.

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