Encumber - Silent Witness of Past

Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2011

After receiving a perfect 10 last issue [Metal Curse #11] with their The Repentance demo, I was expecting a Hell of a lot from this new one. And it delivers. They couldn’t really improve upon their already flawless sound, so they have wisely not altered it, and the result is 40 minutes of truly awesome Thrashy Death Metal. The intensity of the music combines with their skill to create some of the most amazing compositions you’ve ever heard. I’d have to check to be sure, but this might be the first time any band has ever had two flawless demos in a row. Encumber deserve my highest praise and respect, and everyone reading this had better check out these guys.

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Eminenz - Anti-Genesis

Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011

For those of you who’ve never heard of them before, Eminenz have the distinction of being the band that opened for the legendary Mayhem (at the time, fronted by Dead) when they played in Leipzig. They also opened for Mayhem once again not long ago when, this time less Euronymous and Dead, they played the same place for a “return performance.” While this band’s first LP was fairly straightforward guitar based Black/Death Metal, this new release is more atmospheric and draws influence from more keyboard based bands such as Emperor. The guitars are prominent and thick, giving Eminenz a more Death Metal sound than 90% of the Black Metal bands out there. The keyboards are also integrated better than most others. When they are used, they sound like they belong there. They didn’t just throw them on. Imagine a band with the heaviness of Death Metal, the atmosphere of a band like Emperor, and enough talent to mesh the two together the right way.

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The Embraced - In My Dreams… I Am Armageddon

Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011

This is an expertly played combination of Black Metal’s structures and speedy feel, with a beefier, more Death Metal guitar tone, and some Doomy and sorrowful passages as well. The merging of these styles and sounds makes for a very captivating and powerful album.

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Embodyment - Embrace the Eternal

Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Without the lyrics bogging this down, it might be passable technical Death Metal. But since these guys have the cock of god jammed so far up their asses that it’s cumming out of their mouths, all they ever say is how fucked we’ll all be burning in Hell, and how they get to toss god’s salad for all eternity. Yeah, but all the sluts will be in Hell with us (and unlike you retards, we like to fuck chicks), we won’t have to listen to you idiots preach anymore, and I hear that Venom has a lock on being the house band there. And what will you get in “heaven”? Some resentful angels who think that god should still like them the best, winged babies playing harps, and god still fucking your assholes raw. You won’t even be able to play this kind of music up there, idiots! It must be the case that the really religious x-tian fucks hate bands like this, since they don’t sound “nice.” And all of us with functional brains, who can think for ourselves and know that “god” is a lie, hate this shit, too. So who exactly likes this stuff?

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Em Sinfonia - In Mournings Symphony

Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hey someone has been listening to early My Dying Bride! This has the Death Metal growled vocals, the beautiful female vocals, and the violins. But it’s not as dense-sounding as MDB. The guitars are depressing wails of desolation, but they don’t bury you under an avalanche of depression and crushing weight the way that the masters did on Turn Loose the Swans. Rather Em Sinfonia wisely choose to not completely follow in those unfillable footprints, and give their Doom a unique feel.

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Eisregen - Krebskolonie

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh man I sure hope this intro is a joke. ‘Cause anyone with the balls to combine the “rain & church bells” intro to “Black Sabbath” with the “air raid siren” intro to “War Pigs” had better be kidding. If not, well… It’s still a joke. Intro aside, Eisregen do play a pretty cool, melodic, Black Metal kind of music. I love the Kreator-ish vocals sung in German. It just makes for some mean growls. Each of the 10 tracks have a separate identity (how often can most bands say that) and each are played with skill and intensity. And with this band, I actually have a reason for not understanding a single word.

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Eisregen - Zerfall

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Extreme, and somewhat innovative, Black Metal.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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Edenrot - The Land Where the Crow Starves

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2010

Interesting mix of Doom, Rock, Death, Black & traditional Metal.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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EC8OR - World Beaters

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2010

I don’t have any idea how to accurately describe this over-distorted anti-Pop. It’s kind of interesting and disturbing to listen to, and there are drum loops and vocals, so it’s not just random noise. I guess I can see why someone would like this, since it is pretty extreme, in its way, and about as far from the mainstream as you could get, but it’s difficult for me to listen to it all the way through - sort of like looking at some ultra abstract painting that I just don’t “get,” except that paintings usually don’t make my head hurt.

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