Eve of Mourning (Illinois - USA) - Acheronian Winter

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

I think these guys listen to the first Cathedral album a lot. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I just mean that this sounds kinda like Forest of Equilibrium, so if you like that, then you will probably also like EoM. I sorta dig it, myself.

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Eterne - As the Silence Fades

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

I believe that this cassette is also available as a 7-inch, but without the first track, “Seasons of Mists.” It and the other two songs incorporate heavy guitars into an eerie, sometimes almost scary, synth environment. The vocals are sung clean, but are deep and ominous. A unique and dark release. That’s a great combination, if you ask me.

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Escalation Anger - Escalation Anger

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011

Energetic, well played Thrash, with almost Hardcore vocals, which I really didn’t like at first, but grew to at least respect upon repeated listens. Once again, no address anywhere on the package.

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Entombed - Hollowman

Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Well, I had heard that this was different from their earlier stuff -but I wasn’t expecting this. It is noticeably less Death Metal, for the most part. The riffs and general feel of the music are more commercial. “Bonehouse” is an exception to this. It’s pretty intense. As is their tribute to Chris Young, “Hellraiser.” However, L-G’s vocals are extremely less raw than on Left Hand Path. I think they are trying to change too rapidly. It is important for a band to mature, but it’s vital to make sure the change is not too drastic. This may be too much.

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Engines of Aggression - Speak

Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2011

This album was really pushed hard. They sent me a fucking Engines of Aggression shirt for promotional purposes. Anyway, about the album: The singer sounds like that chick who used to be in Monkey Spew. Musically it’s way better than vocally, but it’s still terrible, even though some slight Industrial influences show.

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The Endoparasites - Iconoclasty of Flesh

Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2011

Other than the stolen Metallica riffs, this is fantastic. Good sound, great songs. They play heavy Death Metal, and throw in a blast beat once in a while to keep you on your toes.

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Emperor / Enslaved - Emperor / Hordanes Land

Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011

Emperor: An utter feast of unholy Black Metal. Clearly one of the best in this rapidly expanding style. Mixing Black and a little Death and coming up with something far more original than most, and still very atmospheric and haunting. I do wish this came with lyrics, though. I would love to know what the words are to “Cosmic Keys to My Creations and Times.”
Enslaved: Well, I’m not as concerned about the lyrics with this band, since they are all in Norwegian. That’s pretty cool if you ask me, but I’d really like to know what they are about. The only one I think I can translate would mean “Allfather Odin” in English. Okay, I didn’t think that these guys could be any better than Emperor, but they might be. It’s really close. Again, Black Metal, but with that touch of Death. Just a little. Completely outstanding.
An unbelievable combination of bands on this split leads to one of the best sounding Black Metal releases I’ve heard. I wouldn’t pass this one up, unless you like god or something.

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Embittered / Dystopia - split

Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Dystopia tracks are all also on their excellent Human = Garbage CD, so you know from my review what I think of that side of this LP. The Embittered side is, sadly, not up to that standard. It’s not bad, though. They’re fast sometimes and employ a yelled vocal style, but are more Hardcore than Thrash, I’d guess. They have a unique sound, to be sure, but it just didn’t do very much for me.

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Eldritch - Promo Tracks ‘93

Posted on Sunday, January 16, 2011

Progressive Metal which is at all heavy or memorable is virtually impossible to find, but here it is. The playing is just amazing, as is the songwriting. The vocals might be hard to take for the more Death-minded among us, as they are in the ancient clean-voiced and high-pitched style, but their singer can hold his own against Fates Warning, and the others. If you’re at all interested in technical, complex Metal, then you must get this. And it’s uhh, well, sort of old already, so imagine if they have continued to improve since 1993. I’d ask about new stuff, too.

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