Devastation - Idolatry

Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This LP was recorded and mixed at Morrisound and produced by Scott Burns. If you don’t know why that’s relevant then I guess I’ll tell you: Morrisound and Mr. Burns are some kinda freaky Death Metal manufacturing plant. That is to say, for now, this is considered the best production around. As for the music; it’s Deathrash. Lots of drums and heavy guitars. The vox are understandable, yet still heavy. It is a good combination. And the lyrics are even cool.

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Desultory - Visions

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2010

Three tracks of super-cool Deathrash. Recorded at Sunlight, this manages a somewhat original sound. The songs are memorable, but not as heavy as they could be. However this band makes no Cannibal Corpse brutality claims. And they completely deliver original, memorable Deathrash. I like it a lot, and you should check this out quick as they are now signed to Metal Blade and will have an album out soon. Favorite track: “Forever Gone.”

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Desecrate - The Refuge

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2010

Atmospheric and powerful Death Metal. The good recording quality shows off the songs, and the vocals are raw, but pretty understandable. The speed changes from pretty slow and Doomy, to a fairly quick pace. I like it.

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Demonomacy - Demo 1991

Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2010

The demo is a product of Morrisound, so the band put a lot of money into it. It doesn’t, however, sound like Morrisound, which isn’t necessarily bad. It isn’t as fluid as most Morrisound works. The drums and cymbals sometimes sound tinny. The music is Death Metal, and has appropriate vocals. There are several slow parts, including a bit of acoustic guitar by Dana Cosley, which is okay if you like that sort of thing. This tape isn’t in my top 10, but I didn’t throw it out my car window either. It’s decent -in an evil sort of way.

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Dementia - Recuperate from Reality

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Occasionally I wish I had a magic mixer that could eliminate vocals. This is one of those times. Musically, Dementia is perfectly acceptable Thrash, but the vocals are like a bad Overkill imitation. Lyrics are fairly bland also. Still, if I could remove the vocals. Maybe 6 or 7 years ago, this would have been there, but now it just seems dated. In a bad way.

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Demented Ted - Demented Ted

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is a three-song demo with pretty good production. These guys are a pretty good Deathrash band. The vocals are kinda similar to Max Cavalera (Sepultura). They keep up a good tempo on all the songs. The song “Liquid Remains” is really good and the guitar solo in “Geneticide” is really awesome. Their drummer, Mike Anderson, is really good and everything about this demo impressed me. If you like good Deathrash, order this.

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Deceased - Luck of the Corpse

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Deceased are a pretty good Death Metal band, and their singer (also drummer), King Fowley, sounds something like the singer of Autopsy (who also plays drums). The guitar sound is heavy and I really like it. The drum sound is also heavy and very cool. The only song on this album I don’t care for is “Futuristic Doom.” And that’s only ‘cause the lyrics are stupid. But all the other songs are great. Although I did not care for the Gut Wrench 7-inch, I really like this LP.

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Deceased - Gut Wrench

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Okay, Deceased has finally got this damn thing out! It features a re-mixed version of “Planet Graveyard” (at least I think it’s remixed, ‘cause it sounds better than the demo version), and two old songs recorded live, “Gut Wrench” and “After the Bloodshed.” So I was somewhat disappointed that there wasn’t any new material. Guess I’ll have to wait for the LP. Well, to wrap things up; if you have never heard Deceased, then I would recommend this 7-inch more than their demos, because of the better sound quality. But for those of us who haven’t been in a cave, it’s a cool addition to your collection. It’s got a really sick cover of this guy on an operating table with his whole chest ripped open.

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Death Squad - Split You at the Seams

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good bass sound. Bad guitar sound. Decent drums. Annoying vox. Not exactly a great combination. I think part of the problem is in the mix. Perhaps if the guitars were louder, or something. They sound way too thin. And the vocals could be mixed a little lower. That might help a lot. The song “Instrumental Death Pt. III” is cool, and I think that decides it -it’s the vox. They don’t really suck, they’re simply too fuckin’ loud. When the vox are gone, the guitar even sounds better. To sum: more guitar, less vox. Also, thumbs up to Ever Rat for printing the title “Mind Fuck” completely uncensored on the cassette J-card.

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