Evemaster - In Thine Majesty

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

Deadly and super-intense majestic Black Metal. What more needs to be said?

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Eve of Mourning (New York - USA) - A Dark Serenade

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sadly it sounds as if someone forgot to tune the guitars to the keyboard. Sometimes the vocals remind me more of Pete Steele (Type O Negative) than of My Dying Bride’s Aaron, and sometimes they just sound wrong. I think this Metal/Doom/Goth blend is an excellent idea, but the execution is terrible. Perhaps it’s due to the unbelievably bad mix, or maybe their ideas overpowered their abilities. I hope they iron out the bugs and try again with louder guitars and (way) less vocal level.

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Euphoric Evisceration - In the Mind of Perversion

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

God damn, there are a lot of great Death Metal bands from the Chicago area. Euphoric E don’t really cover any new ground with their perverted Death, but they do have this style down solid, and play with extreme intensity. Perhaps a more individual sound would be a good idea in the long run, but if what you want to hear is sheer crushing brutality, you have come to the right demo.

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Euphoric Evisceration - In the Mind of Perversion

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

The first song is all Electronic, and for a minute, I thought that maybe these guys were some kind of evil Dance band, but all thoughts of the sort were dispelled within the first seconds of the next track’s brutal Death Metal onslaught. The recording and playing are both impressive (even though the mix and mastering leave a lot to be desired), but that’s about all that elevates these guys above the competition. For me that’s enough, though.

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Eterne - Deadauthor

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

After hearing their Still Dreaming album a few thousand times, I fully expected this to be the melancholy wrist-slasher it is, but what I didn’t expect is how heavy it would be. I mean guitar distortion, aggressive drums kind of heavy. Not that this is the case at all times - it’s not. And the keyboards are still everywhere, but now more perfectly integrated with the guitars and expertly programmed drums to create a more evil, sometimes more aggressive form of audio suicide.

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The Equinox ov the Gods - Images of Forgotten Memories

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011

The first track, “Welcome Home,” could have been left off, or at least moved towards the middle, since it’s the weakest of the 13. The remainder are all combinations of Gothic and Metal to varying degrees, and levels of success. Mostly it’s pretty cool, and the playing is excellent throughout.

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Equinox - Return to Mystery

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011

Black Death Metal from Florida! Nothing new there, I know, but Equinox give it their own identity with a thick guitar tone and a crushing production. In places this sounds like Asphyx’s The Rack it’s so fuckin’ massive, and other times perhaps more like Acheron (which is to be expected considering that Equinox’s guitarists used to be in that band). Return to Mystery should satisfy both Death and Black Metal fans alike.

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Epilepsy Bout - Lost Control

Posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The only interesting things about this Radio Metal album (think Korn, I guess) is that the band’s from Russia, and I somehow didn’t hate 100% of it (due to their musical ability and taking a few chances).

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Epidemic Cause - Far East

Posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This CD-only EP has 3 songs of pretty heavy Industrial, and the production is super clear, allowing everything to be heard, except the vocals. I don’t know why they are mixed so low sometimes or why the singer feels the need to occasionally mumble, since his screams and shrieks are just fine.

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