Ens Cogitans - Heart of the Way

Posted on Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I believe these 3 tracks are from an upcoming CD. At any rate, EC plays a kind of progressive, super-technical Thrash / Heavy Metal, with clean, “pre-Thrash” vocals. It’s very energetic, and when they concentrate on kicking ass, they do it easily, but much time is also spent on trying out different ideas, some of which work well, while others don’t.

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Endura - Black Eden

Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2011

Man, this is a Dark Ambient fucking nightmare. It’s unsettling to the point of nearly being horrifying, yet I am compelled to replay it as often as possible. I am possessed by the unclean spirit of overwhelming hopelessness captured within this recording. I’ve never heard anything darker or more depressing. Beyond belief.

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End Zone - Thalatta et Thanatos

Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2011

This all-instrumental album covers the bases from acoustic to Thrash to Doom, and never fails to impress. These guys are amazing musicians, and smart enough to not have to prove it 5000 times each song. They instead concentrate on writing interesting, emotional Metal tunes, and let the solos take the place of vocals. A true must for Metal fans of all types.

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Encumber - The Repentance

Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2011

Honestly, I don’t hear a whole lot of perfect demos, but that’s the only way to describe Encumber’s technical Thrashy Death Metal. There is not one second of this that is less than awesome. It’s easy to hear that they are highly skilled musicians, but they never resort to showing off. Instead, they use their skills to combine simple and complex riffs in a truly memorable way. And they’re also not afraid to throw in some surprises, like a quick acoustic part. But everything is played with an unbelievable amount of intensity. And that goes double for the raw vocals. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, they cover “Epidemic,” just to show everyone how to properly do a Slayer song. Encumber couldn’t possibly be cooler or kick more ass.

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En Nihil - Death Keeps

Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2011

This, too, was a last minute addition [to Metal Curse #10], so I honestly didn’t listen to it as much as I should have, but it’s either that or it sits for 100 years until issue 11 gets done. Anyway, after 3 1/2 minutes of ambiance, some tribal drums kick in. Track 2 is back to Dark Ambient soundscapes. Just as I was getting sleepy, I noticed a tormented cry deep within the background, and I became enveloped in this dismal sea of despair. If I ever want to commit suicide, Red Stream has certainly given me a wide variety of soundtracks to choose from. Thanks Pat!

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Elend - Les Tenbbres du Dehors

Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beautifully dark Ambient soundscapes. There are occasional clean (female) vocals, and tortured (male) Black Metal screeches. It would be tough to not be moved by this intensely powerful album. ‘Nuff said.

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El Pecado - Mi Senda

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is leaning more towards Black Metal than their debut demo, Angel de Mi Guarda, although some Death remains. It’s more intense and the sound is vastly improved. In fact, the production is amazing - extremely clear, but raw. I wish I could translate the Spanish lyrics, I’m certain they’re purely evil.

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Eight Eyes Black - Addiction to Impurity

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010

These guys know how to play Metal. If you’re into heavy, not trendy, guitar riffs and aggressively searing vocals, 8EB is where its at. It’s good to know that bands like this stay true to what they feel is their genre of music, and don’t try to personify something false. This has been well produced with decent clarity. Although, I think the drums are a little overpowering and the guitars could be more in the foreground in some cases, but otherwise, it was still cool.

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Eerie Von & Mike Morance - Uneasy Listening

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I’m assuming that this is supposed to be scary and ominous. It’s not even close. It’s merely trite, banal and annoying. I think someone needs to explain to Mr. Von what real “uneasy listening” is. Any volunteers?

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