Damnation (California - USA) - Damnation

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The balance on my copy is fucked-up, and so I have way more right-channel than left. Hopefully not all the tapes sound like this. Other than that somewhat severe problem, this demo is decent Deathrash: Some speed, and some brutality. But really, I’ve heard stuff that is heavier, faster, slower, more brutal and still more memorable. They need something to make them stand out from the hundreds of other good Death Metal bands.

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Damnage - Bludgeon

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I was wondering how this band would progress. They have replaced a guitarist and a bassist, since I last heard from them, but the new guys seem up to the job. Troy’s vocals are a little deeper this time out, while the music is a bit more groove-oriented. This has given Damnage a more unique sound, and the excellent production allows the listener to delve more deeply into it upon repeated listens. Lookin’ good, guys.

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Damn the Machine - Damn the Machine

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chris Poland’s new band is way closer to Dream Theater than it is to Megadeth. The disc is nothing at all like I expected. It is closer to Return to Metalopolis than to his stuff with the Circle Jerks. Make no mistake, this is a Progressive Metal album, despite the lack of keyboards. The band is tight, and Chris shines with his sometimes crunchy and sometimes Jazzy solos.

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Damage (Finland)

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The vocals are a little too rough for me to feel exactly right about saying that Damage is a Thrash band, but the music would certainly give that impression. Not really anything new going on, but they play with great conviction, and that counts for something.

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Bludgeon - Reality

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sometimes this band’s Thrash is really powerful. However, the rest of the time it’s pretty predictable. They can play, and the production is fantastic, but I’d maybe work on the lyrics (they don’t have to rhyme), and come up with some more original riffs.

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D.A.B. - Abyssus Abyssum Invocat

Posted on Thursday, October 07, 2010

More Death Metal than their last demo, Alice in Horrorland, and also more intense. Everything is heavier, although a little less memorable, but not much. One of these four songs was written for them by Lars Rosenberg (Entombed), and it fits right in with the others. This should get them signed.

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Cynic - Focus

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

Finally, after numerous setbacks, the album has finally been released. And it was most definitely worth the wait. This is with out a doubt the most progressive Death Metal release I’ve heard. Weird vocal effects combined with experimental structures could yield a terrible result, but that is not the case here. Possibly, Focus could be described as what a Death Metal Voivod would sound like, but that’s still not quite it. Genius is pretty close, though.

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Cyclone Temple - Building Errors in the Machine

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

I was really glad to see that these guys got picked up again when Relativity/Combat dropped them after what I thought was a great debut (check out the bonus track). Upon listening to this I was a little disappointed with the vocals of new-guy Marco, but I understand that he is no longer with the band, so perhaps the new new-guy will fit in better. Now then, about the music: This may be the best thing Fulton has ever done. The songs are memorable and heavy Thrash. Lots of double bass, which I always like to hear. The lyrics are as good as ever, which is to say great. If you haven’t heard of this band, now is the time.

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Crypta - Join the Madness

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

Some might say that Thrash is dead, but Crypta proves them wrong. Of course they also incorporate some Death Metal elements to ensure heaviness. The more I listen to this, the more I like it. The songs are all very memorable, and have enough energy to power a small city. Check this out!

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