Deceased - The Thirteen Frightened Souls

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

The kings of Death continue their assault. Five choice cuts of classic Death Metal, including an outstanding cover of “Voivod.” Great EP, great band.

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Decaying Corpse - Morgue of Breasts

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010


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Decadence - Dancing on the Edge of Dawn

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Five pretty intense Thrash songs. This sorta reminds me of Xentrix (who I like). This style isn’t too popular right now, but they really do a great job with it.

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Dead World - Collusion

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fuckin’ psycho. Industrial uhh, Doom. Heavy and kinda slow, this creates a feeling not of slam-pits, but of a huge crushing force descending and obliterating everything in its way. The album is really mean sounding and sets an evil mood, but something seems to be missing: maybe it’s not heavy enough. No, I don’t think that’s it. Maybe it’s the “borrowed” Sabbath riff. I’m not exactly sure what’s missing, but this is still close to greatness.

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David La Duke - Absolutely Raw, Nothin More, Nothin Less!!!

Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010

Another live recording, including a cover of the Stones’ “Satisfaction.” These guys are more raw live, which is a plus for me. I would imagine that seeing them play would be a seriously good time.

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Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh, like wow! I’m so scared of Darkthrone’s stupid make-up and their switch to “Unholy Black Metal.” Golly, let’s pretend that they always had the desire to paint their faces, play Black-Not-Death Metal, and use stage names, so I don’t have to deal with the poseur issue, okay? This LP has little resemblance to their debut. No longer a Death Metal band, they seem to have lost quite a bit in the transition to what they call Black Metal. Well, I don’t think so, sisto. Venom invented Black Metal more than a decade ago, and, while Satanic, this ain’t it. It sounds more like Death Metal, with a thin production, noisy guitars and only a small amount of double bass. And also boring.

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Darklin Reach - Where Evil Dwells

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

Musically, this might be okay, but the vocals sometimes sound like Skid Row or some other such weak shit. Fuck that. Then we have the lyrics: Regurgitation of ancient lyrical themes. Yawn. Here is what I think happened with band: They used to be more commercial, a bar band that covered Poison maybe, then they decided that playing heavier might get them signed. Unfortunately it did. And what is worse yet, is that great cover art was wasted on this crap.

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Dark Millennium - Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

Fast, well produced Death Metal. Memorable songs and the occasional stylistic variation, make this pretty cool. Excellent vocals: Very raw, yet understandable. The lyrics are included, which is always a plus when they’re good. Impressive.

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D.R.I. - Definition

Posted on Thursday, October 07, 2010

You have heard of D.R.I., right? They are one of the first Crossover Punk/Thrash bands, and as of their last release, Thrash Zone, added a little Death Metal to the mix as well. Punk vocals and Hardcore-like music, but with Death style guitar sound and drums. Everything combines to make this LP a must for everyone that still likes the vocal style and maybe a few that don’t. I kinda dig it, myself.

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