Anal Cunt - Morbid Florist

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another of the Relapse Underground Series. This total Noise / Grind is a bit more musical than I had expected. It sounds like some of the songs were thought out a little before they were recorded, so this is not really Noise in the classic Nuclear Winter sense. But of course it is still extremely raw and I dig it.

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Anacrusis - Screams and Whispers

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

If this had come out in the mid- or late-’80s, it really might have been impressive, but it all sounds a little obsolete now. On the other hand, Screams and Whispers does show Anacrusis to have a flair for melodic and progressive composition, and the twin guitars are mixed into separate channels for maximum headphone freakout appeal. Lyrically, they explore the usual contemporary progressive terrain of perception and paradox (cf. Rush, Dream Theater) without adding anything new. An extra-long track or an instrumental might have made this sound less ordinary.

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Aminature - Aminature

Posted on Monday, August 30, 2010

This is how Izzy Stradlin would sound, were he on Taang! Records. And then there is side two, which is a “Pop song,” sans any sort of catchiness. However, it’s pressed on a cool marbled grey/black vinyl, and has decent sound quality.

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Adrenalin - Tension

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Everything here is okay, but just that. Nothing really stands out, but nothing is bad either. They are competent musicians, but need something to make them a little more memorable. The occasional vocal embarrassments don’t help any. There is no address on the tape, and there is no J-card…

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S.A. Adams - S.A. Adams

Posted on Sunday, April 04, 2010

Much like with the last review [of 1994’s Redemption], this may not be a demo, and I wasn’t really too sure of the title, since it didn’t seem to have one. But, these songs are just as moving as those on Redemption, and although I might have advised S.A. to not say “paste the glass,” (whatever that means) so many times in a row in the song of the same name, this is still a very entertaining collection.

[Note: After some research, I think that this is 1993’s Exiled on Green Street album. -Editor]

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Acrostichon - Advance tape

Posted on Sunday, April 04, 2010

This is pretty awesome: Fast, memorable, and well produced music, coupled with powerfully raw vocals. This tape has no address on it, and the accompanying letter is missing, so if anyone knows how to find this great Death Metal band, let me know! Each of the 9 nine songs is amazing.

[This cassette itself has been lost in the mists of time, but it seems likely that this was an advance copy of the band’s 1993 Engraved in Black album. -Editor]

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Accursed (New York - USA) - Satanic Ritual

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Not to be confused with the Accursed from Wisconsin. This Accursed play Satanic Death Metal, as they call it. Well, they certainly do a great job. The production is excellent, the songs are mostly fast, and these guys are excellent musicians. I’m especially impressed with Jim’s bass playing. Of course, any band where the singer also plays bass is guaranteed to be very cool. To many, the demo cover will be worth the $5 all by itself.

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Paradise Lost - Shades of God

Posted on Monday, October 22, 2012

Paradise Lost are known for slow, Doomy, Gothic Death Metal with occasional female, opera-like vocals. As of this album, they have transcended even that broad description. Gone are the female opera vocals, they have been reduced to whispers and backing assistance, and what has taken their place is the excellent production that was missing before. Paradise Lost have expanded on what Doom Metal means. Favorite song: The CD-only bonus track, “As I Die.”

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Unleashed - Shadows in the Deep

Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let me start by saying that Johnny Hedlund is the coolest freak on earth. Even cool enough to cover Venom’s “Countess Bathory” (if only on the CD). This album is an all time classic. The songs are heavy, brutal, and memorable. The vocals are understandable enough that I can even growl along. This ranks among the top 10 albums of the year, if not all time. Buy or die. Favorite title: “Never Ending Hate.”

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