Rotten Sound - Cursed

Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011

There are some bands, when you receive their newest work, there can be no hesitation. You have to listen to it immediately. There is no putting it off, the rest of the world can just hold its fucking horses for a half hour. Finland’s Rotten Sound are one of those bands, and let’s face it, quite possibly the only Grindcore band going today worthy of putting the rest of the world on hold for. Simply put, Rotten Sound is Nasum fistfucking Entombed’s planet. Cursed (great title, by the way) continues and perfects the slight stylistic change the band underwent with 2006’s Consume to Contaminate EP, that is the addition of breakneck groove and piledriver breakdowns amidst the sea of machine-gun speed and pummeling heaviness. Not that they need it, but Cursed boasts a somewhat all-star selection of guest performances, topped by vocal contributions from none other than LG Petrov and Misery Index’s Jason Netherton (ex-Dying Fetus). This album is nearly perfect. The brutality can be enjoyed from beginning to end as if it were one 27-minute long, fucking awesome song. And honestly from these guys, I expect nothing less. I just hope no one at Relapse gets canned for signing a band that isn’t a 10th rate Photoshopped version of Sleep.

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