Necros Christos - Doom of the Occult

Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Presented to the rest of the world on Sepulchral Voice Records, this is the American version of this deadly German band’s second full-length album. While integrating more other sounds in the “Temple” and “Gate” interludes than Triune Impurity Rites, the pipe organs and ambient passages only add to their ancient Death Metal ritual. For instance, “Gate II” wholly conjures Trial of the Bow. The vocal delivery, reminiscent of Sadistic Intent or Infamy (L.A., CA), is perfectly mixed with memorable riffs and drumming. A shining example is the percussion at the end of “Necromantique Nun” which hints of Pete Sandoval’s “Hymnos Rituales de Guerra” from Morbid Angel’s Formulas Fatal to the Flesh. It’s the cumulative effect of both the Non-Metal and Metal elements that will earn this a spot on my Best Albums of 2011 list.

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