Internal Bleeding - Heritage of Sickness

Posted on Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Not to downplay the historical significance or quality of the second and third demos from legendary Long Island Death Metallers Internal Bleeding, but how many reissues do we honestly need? Not to sell them short, 1992’s Invocation of Evil and 1994’s Perpetual Degradation have a permanent place in my heart. I had them both on cassette as a 15-year old virgin back in the flyer-stuffing days for fuck’s sake! Not to mention Perpetual Degradation being the first thing I was ever asked to review for Metal Curse. But they’ve already seen reissue in the form of 2001’s Alien Breed, which also had the decency to include their first demo and an unreleased track. So, since I already own that, plus the originals, Heritage of Sickness is pretty damn far from essential for yours truly. All it really has new to offer the Internal Bleeding lifer is the inclusion of two live bonus tracks —”Ocular Introspection” and “Prophet of the Blasphemies”— from the Mountains of Death Festival in Switzerland a year ago. While they do sound halfway decent, a couple okay-sounding live cuts isn’t much of a deal-sweetener. Now, if you’re a 15-year old virgin as we speak, or just new to the game, this package’s stock goes way up. No one’s finding Alien Breed on the shelf at Super Target anytime soon, so track this down at all costs. No self-respecting fan of Death Metal, East Coast-style or otherwise, should be without these trippy beats and slamming pit riffs. Tough to rate, as the material itself is excellent, plus the aforementioned sentimental value. Yet the lack of essentiality for the veteran and absence of any noteworthy bonus goodies can’t help but detract from the score.

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(2) Comment(s)

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Stormbreaker said:

The masters of the pit riff!

Posted on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - 04:42:03 AM

Chris Pervelis said:

Hey thanks for the kind words.

Basically this was released for that “15 year old virgin”, and not necessarily the hardcore, long-time deathmetal fan. There is a whole new crop of people who don’t know IB and this we feel was a perfect introduction. We purposely kept the price low (we sell it for $7.00) because it has been released so many times.

Chris/Internal Bleeding

Posted on Friday, December 14, 2012 - 12:45:19 PM

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