Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amazing. Truly amazing. Much like countrymates, and fellow Black Metal pioneers, Darkthrone, the guys in Immortal just keep getting better with every release. Beginning with the path started on the now classic At the Heart of Winter, the music of Immortal has been crafted with such eloquent design and focus while still remaining true to their genre’s primal and barbaric roots. The attention paid to song structure and melody is what has made the last few albums such keepsakes. No disrespect to the Full Moon… or Blizzard Beasts eras and those whose hearts lie with them, but I’m sold on the much heavier, smoother, and more dynamic Immortal, which still contains its fair share of merciless blast. Not to mention the vocals of all that is grim and frostbitten. Cultest cuts: “Tyrants,” “In My Kingdom Cold,” title track.

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