Immolation - Here in After

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2011

Musically, the action here is in the tradition of early-to-mid-period Morbid Angel, and that’s my kind of action for sure. The dynamics are patterned in a classic fashion as well: come in like gangbusters, and then continue like gangbusters. The fury that these guys kick up is a pleasure to wallow in. Particularly head-melting is the transition from the second track, “Burn with Jesus,” into the third, title track; there’s no silence between the songs, so you have to look at your CD player to see that 2 change to a 3. It gives the impression that the album is just one epic track that never lets up. The lyrics are pretty run-of-the-mill “Christians are retards,” but it must have taken forever to compose the 666 riffs on here, so maybe the words were not top priority anyway.

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