Gloria Morti - Ephemeral Life Span

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

I really miss doing a zine [Jack used to publish Portrait of Defiance zine. - Editor]. Sure, it was a lot of hard work, it was expensive, a lot of dealing with fucking morons and having to wade through landfills of unsigned garbage, but every once in a while you’d come across that demo-CD that stood out from the sea of poopy. You’d get that virgin peak at a gem not yet stained by the masses’ grubby fingers. Listening to Gloria Morti, I am reliving that old feeling. This self-financed disc contains two tracks of flawlessly executed melodic Black Metal in the vein of Cradle of Filth and Hecate Enthroned. The playing, the production, the vocals, it’s all top notch. Okay, so they draw a pretty hefty influence from the aforementioned bands, but I can sacrifice a little originality when it sounds this professional and feels this good. If these guys just keep at it, and do add their own unique spin on the style they’ve apparently already mastered, their future looks pretty god damn bright. Reserve your bandwagon seat now.

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