From Forgotten Being - Ancient Land Legends

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

Keybaords and wind. Without even checking for corpse-paint, I’ll bet this must be a Black Metal album. Come on, people! There must be other “truly evil” ways to start an album than always with keyboards and wind! And then the generally fast Black Metal assault starts. When FFB slows things down a little (and don’t get the idea that I like “slow” better than “fast” - I just like what’s best for the song) and the keyboards are allowed to create an eerie atmosphere, things do seem to work better for them. Maybe it’s the production, which is on the thin side, and tends to make the fast parts sound tinny. In any case, this has moments of genius. If they can concentrate on those, and get even a little thicker sound next time, perfection would not be out of reach.

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