Forbidden - Twisted Into Form

Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2011

I think Combat wants Forbidden to be big, Metallica kind of big. This might be the album to it, too. But, let’s introduce the band first: Craig Locicero (lead and 6-string acoustic guitars), Russ Anderson (vocals), Paul Bostaph (drums), Tim Calvert (lead, 6 and 12-string acoustic guitars) Matt Camacho (bass).
Now about the LP: This is not a typical Thrash album, or band for that matter. They experiment (I use that word with extreme caution) with different things, most often it is the vocals. Usually a band with music this heavy has a Kreator style singer, Russ can sing in this “from the balls” style, but he can also actually sing, which is rare and often detracts from the power of the music. In this case, the only time Russ’s singing bothered me was on the track “One Foot in Hell,” but even that wasn’t too bad.
Highlights include: “Infinite,” “Step by Step,” the instrumental “Spiral Depression,” and the title track.
This is an extremely strong second attempt, especially considering that almost all bands’ 2nd LP is their worst one.

{Forbidden would never again come close to the greatness of this album, and have since faded from view here in the US. I understand that they still have a little following in Europe, and perhaps Japan, but I’ve also been told that their newer material has taken on a NWOHSCPM (New Wave of Homosexual So-Called Power Metal [which would eventually become known as Nu-Metal. -Editor]) “attitude,” so who cares about these poseurs? Yet this was, and is still, nearly a masterpiece.}

[Notes in {curly brackets} are from the Metal Curse 1 - 4 Collected Edition (1999)]

[Please note that the reviews in Metal Curse #1 and #2 did not have numerical ratings.]

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