Falkenbach - Tiurida

Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2011

I’ve been a fan of this band for a long time (since the debut album), so a new Falkenbach album is always something I pick up immediately as soon as I know it’s out. Having heard all of this band’s previous material, though, it makes this a tough review. On its own, this LP is solid Viking/Folk Metal that has well-played songs and tons of atmosphere. However, when viewed as the latest in a series of releases, this is just more of the same. Falkenbach knows that their fans want Hammerheart/Blood on Ice-styled Viking Metal and that is what you get. You got it on Heralding: The Fireblade, and you got it on the albums before that, too. If you are looking for adventurous song structures, bold new directions and such, you’re not going to find any here. You get songs with loads of medieval atmosphere, clean vocals, folk instruments, acoustic interludes and that “yearning for times long ago” feeling - all of which you got in varying degrees on the other releases. Seriously, this could be a mix tape of tracks from the band’s older material and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. If you’ve never heard Falkenbach before, this is akin to a “greatest hits” package in that it gives you everything you ever wanted to know about their music without having to track down albums that are probably out of print (especially the ones that were on No Colours). While this is musically as solid as you’re going to get, only Motorhead is allowed to release a “same old shit” album because they’ve already got enough awesome songs to fill a two hour set, a half-hour encore, a half-hour double-encore and a fifteen minute “are you crazy motherfuckers still here?” triple-encore. I had to knock off one and a half points from the rating for that reason. I didn’t want to do that to a band that I really like, but I didn’t need to buy Tiurida to listen to what was on here. I already have it. It’s called their back-catalog. This would probably be a 9 if I hadn’t already heard their previous releases.

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