Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

This is an above average Thrash-Death album. Musically the band is talented, although not much jumped out and killed me. Lyrically this is a bunch of twisted dudes. There are no less than three references to killing the Pope. One song is about a “butt-slut,” as far as I can tell (the lyrics to that one, “Anal Lust,” are omitted). Only one song, “Legions of Death,” really stands out. Musically, Exhorder plays some heavy, occasionally speedy stuff. The vocalist, Kyle Thomas, has an interesting style that is not quite as much in the Death style as the music. At the time of the recording of Slaughter in the Vatican, Exhorder apparently was lacking a bassist, because the bass tracks are all credited to the two guitarists: Vinnie LaBella and Jay Ceravolo. Since then a bassist has been added. This is a decent album that shows much promise. I will be waiting to hear what the next album sounds like. I hope they don’t lose the aggression, it’s their edge.

{If I had only known then what would happen with this band and style… As you must know, the supreme poseurs Pantera slowed this album down and copied it note for note, and somehow got rich and famous doing it. But Exhorder were the innovators, and played with honestly and sincerity, which are two concepts that Pantera know nothing about, no matter who they have fooled into thinking otherwise.}

[Notes in {curly brackets} are from the Metal Curse 1 - 4 Collected Edition (1999)]

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