Dunkelgrafen - Triumph des Fleisches

Posted on Friday, December 10, 2010

Hailing from Germany and playing a more Death Metal influenced Black Metal style this time around, Dunkelgrafen has returned with yet another Satanic assault on the ears. I get the distinct feeling that these guys have been listening to a lot of Dissection, At the Gates or some of the early In Flames or Eucharist stuff. This has a lot of more melodic guitar work though with enough brutality to make it kick ass. A lot of bands in this more melodic genre tend to emphasize the melody over the brutality but like Dissection, In Aeturnam and a few others, Dunkelgrafen remembers that Black/Death Metal is supposed to be brutal first. The riffs are memorable, flow well together and when they hit an acoustic part or an atmospheric part, it really sounds like it belongs. The use of two vocalists also makes this pretty interesting as you get the mix of lower ended Death growls and higher end screams played off against each other. This is a solid album in every way. Fans of kick-ass Black/Death Metal will not be disappointed.

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