Drawn and Quartered - Feeding Hell’s Furnace

Posted on Friday, October 26, 2012

As I often ponder the gayness of the universe, namely our planet’s obtusely inane inhabitants, it eludes me how a Death Metal band of Drawn and Quartered’s caliber toils in relative obscurity. I could fill this whole space with bands a tenth as talented and intense as this Pacific Northwestern horde who seem unanimously revered. Meanwhile, this trio continues to drop solid record after solid record on deaf ears. If the meanest thing you can say is, “Boy, these guys sure do sound a lot like Immolation,” then it begs the question once asked by a grease-addicted fast food hag in the ’80s: “where’s the beef?” It’s perfectly acceptable to endorse 736 cunting Neurosis clones, but for fuck’s sake, we only need one Immolation! I can’t follow that logic at all. Especially when Feeding Hell’s Furnace is easily the group’s deadliest output since the unhallowed tandem of Extermination Revelry (2003) and Return of the Black Death (2004). Every song sizzles with demonic effervescence and blood-curdling heaviness, as diabolical melodies and abysmal riffs twist, hammer, stab and slither their way directly into the listener’s Christ-hating pleasure center. Factor in Herb’s bottomless, Craig-Pillard-meets-Ross-Dolan-in-Hell growl oozing blasphemies like, “When holy texts are ashes / Where holy soil is drowned in blood / When every word of worship is torn from every tongue… / Cum-soaked remains / Bestowal of consecration / Execrations of the holy virgin cunt,” and you have the perfect soundtrack to a church in flames at sunset. Without question, the best Death Metal album no one will be talking about in 2012.

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