Demon Sword - Demon Sword

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When you see a CD with cover art like this, you get a sinking feeling in your gut that this is going to suck. The question you ask, then, is not does it suck or not, but how badly does it suck. Let me count the ways… First of all, the cover art does nothing to inspire me to want to take Demon Sword seriously. It looks like a third-grader took a clip-art sword and drew a pixilated goat head over the top of it. Yes, it looks that bad and yes, it looks as stupid as you’re imagining it would look right now. Next up in the mix is the music. Demon Sword sounds like bad Darkthrone worship with just enough chaos running rampant throughout the proceedings to qualify as Beherit / Bestial Summoning worship. About 10 years ago, I would have been more lenient on a one-man band but after Burzum, Judas Iscariot and Nargaroth proved that you could do everything yourself and still sound great, I’m just not that forgiving anymore. As you can imagine, the “Necro” and “Grim” stereotypes are all over this CD. The sound is so raw that if it were a steak, it would still be mooing. The obligatory Darkthrone cover barely registers because it sounds so much like the rest of the songs on this CD that you can easily not notice it. Not only that, but my copy of this CD skips - and it isn’t my CD player! The only redeeming feature Demon Sword has is that the lyrics are intelligent enough so that I don’t laugh myself to death while reading them. They actually read like someone with a high school education wrote them, unlike many bands who have lyrics like they wrote down the insane ramblings of a homeless crackhead that thinks he’s Satan. This band needs a lot of work. The truth be told, I would get some serious help in the musical department because Scorpius (no relation to Vampyr Scorpius of Crimson Moon) doesn’t have the talent to do everything by himself. Demon Sword also needs better sound and more quality control over the final product. If you enjoy getting ridiculed, releasing something this bad is fine, but I’d rather not be made a fool of like this.

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