Decapitated - Winds of Creation

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

There must be something in the water in Poland. I don’t know how else to explain the emergence of so many talented Death Metal bands from that country. Decapitated was formed in 1996, the youngest member at the time being a mere twelve years old! Listening to Winds of Creation, you would never guess that these guys have only been playing together for four years. They play better than bands that have been in the scene for over a decade! This band plays a style of Death Metal that brings to mind a more brutal version of Vader. This is especially true of the vocals, which are monstrous growls. Although there is a Vader influence, these guys inject their own ideas into this style of music, and their sound is absolutely crushing! These guys can play at a skin-peeling pace, throw in some tempo changes, and then grind your bones to dust for good measure. They even do an impressive cover of “Mandatory Suicide.” The production is handled by none other than Peter of Vader. He does an absolutely flawless job with the material. Decapitated’s music hits you in the chest like a jack-hammer! They display a level of technicality unimaginable for their age. Each member of Decapitated could hold his own against some of the better-known musicians in the scene. This band is just incredible in every sense of the word!

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