Darzamat - In the Opium of Black Veil

Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is the latest release by Poland’s Darzamat and like their previous work, this is still very much in the Symphonic Black Metal vein. This release sees Darzamat going from a three-piece to a five-piece band with live drums and a guy who does all the guitar and bass work on this album. Previously, the keyboardist, Simon (aka Darzamath) did everything, though he and the singer still write all the music. This album sees some progression but is essentially more of what you got before only better. This is only a five song affair but is worth looking out for if you can find it. Most likely it will be part of the 2 CD box set called Seven Golden Fires, which compiles the first album and this EP together. Why Faithless decided to do this is a mystery as I believe Darzamat is still around, but I’m not complaining as the music is really good.

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