Danse Macabre - Eva

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This album was actually released in 2001 but due to the fact that it really isn’t all that Metal, it was rather hard for me to track down until almost a year later. This band is actually a Goth Rock project that was started by Ancient Rites frontman, Gunther Theys. Unlike Ancient Rites, this isn’t at all brutal or evil in the slightest. Yes, there is some darkness in the lyrics but for the most part, this is solid Goth to the core. That being said, the lyrics (and music) try for a more sad or melancholic sound rather than the brutal or Satan obsessed stylings of Black Metal. Musically, this sounds a lot like Sisters of Mercy, Love Like Blood or maybe Bauhaus. Metalheads who cross over into the Goth scene (fans of Moonspell, Tiamat or Lucyfire in particular) will enjoy the fact that this has some heavier guitar work than your average Goth Rock band but still captures the feeling and emotion of good Gothic music.

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