Crebain / Leviathan - split

Posted on Sunday, October 03, 2010

This split CD compiles six tracks each from two of the Bay Area’s one-man Black Metal bands (the Bay Area is also home to Draugar, yet another one-man Black Metal band). Of the two, Leviathan is more famous but Crebain is no less talented. Crebain main-man Ankalagon has more of a Trash/Death Metal background and while this is a solid slab of Black Metal, it does have a more Death/Thrash vibe to it. The music is more memorable and harder hitting than your average “beat one good riff into the ground” Black Metal band and the production gives Crebain a clear, heavier sound. The songs seem a little bit drawn out but they still kick substantial ass. Leviathan is also sporting a clearer sound than on their previous releases and it actually shows a different side of the band. The past three Leviathan releases have been much more in the Darkthrone vein, having an ugly, raw sound. Their half of this split seems more Emperor/Burzum inspired and has keyboards and a much more atmospheric sound while still remaining true to their older style. The only odd track on this split is a cover of “Blood Angel” (a Von track) done by Leviathan. It comes after a long, Ambient outro that rounded out their first five tracks. For those who know the Von sound, “Blood Angel” is faithful to it, down to the vocals. If this had been done prior to Leviathan’s fifth track (“Now Relic”), I wouldn’t have had a problem with it, but “Blood Angel” sounds like it was tacked on at the end as an afterthought.

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